Author Topic: Gynecomastia  (Read 3391 times)


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« Last Edit: June 18, 2006, 09:12:04 AM by Matt714 »

Offline theblues

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Mild gyne that can probably be rectified through cardio. But i gott tell you summin about your workout regime. ITS WRONG. Your overdoing it by a mile. When you wok out th body needs ample time to recover. Just think when you lift weights it pulls, rips, damages muscle to the point that when they grow back they grow back thicker. Your working out nearly everyday for way to long. How are your muscles going to recover. They aint. Some people work out (similar to yourself) andsee no results at all. Cut your work outs to may 3 or 4 times a week, lifting to the maximum of your capabilities (the heavier the weight the more damage, the more damage the more they'll grow back. And do cardio say 4 times a week (jog for say 45 mins, one day on one day off) Hope you dont mind me saying this but i used to be lik yourself working out everyday and it did sod all for me. Theres nothing worse then working out like a mule only not to see the fruits of your labours. A healthy workout regim needs a healthy approach. 3 golden tips, Work out heavy, get the best nutrition to help feed those muscles and finally REST. Rest being as important as the actual workout. As i said i hope you dont mind me going on about it but you are definatly overdoing it. As for the gyne. Yeah it looks lik gland build up under th nips, causing the puffyness. Only surgery can sort that out. But keep at the working out, see if you can reduce the fat around th chest, the puffys may not seem s bad then. Just see were it goes from there. Good luck mate.

Agreed. When I first lost weight when I was 16, I overdid it with my diet and exercise...I stuck through it though, but most people probably couldn't. Now I exercise only every other day...if I jogged every day, I'd be sick of running after a week. :)


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I don't workout two hours each day, had to write the post fast, had a gig with my band.

Monday - Cardio (1 hour)
Tuesday - Musculation + Cardio (2 hours)
Wednesday - Musculation + Cardio (2 hours)
Thursday - Cardio (1 hour)
Friday - Musculation + Cardio (2 hours)
Sunday - Rest.
Saturday - Cardio (1 hour)
« Last Edit: June 18, 2006, 01:02:14 PM by Matt714 »


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Apart from my workout thing, can anyone else please comment on my case ?

Offline nomis

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since you're only 16, there is still a good chance that it will go away when you become an adult. I know that still seems like forever, though.

Offline supaaman

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Looks like it is pseudo gyne (not real gyne, just extra fat).  Sounds like you are doing fine on exercise.  I would look at your diet then.  You have to slim down first to see, but it really looks like yours would go away with weight loss.
JCF  Success Story - Surgery Aug 23, 2006

Offline Danosaur

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I think you have do not have gyno.

You wont lose any weight with out a good diet, you can run around all you want, but if your eating mcdonalds you wont lose anything.

...Id take in 2000-2300 calories.  Make sure you eat like 200 grams of protein too.  And lift weights 3 times a week just to keep the muscle you haev, which actualy looks like alot.  If you get real cut and follow that I think you'll be surprised on how good you will look.

I would further reasearch work outs and proper nutrition.

If you do it incorrectly, you will lose weight but alot of that weight will be muscle and water.  Meaning you will still keep your fat content.  That happened to me, I would eat hardly anything, and run alot.  I got down to a low weight, looked alright in clothes, but I was still flabby....

Hope it helps
and Good luck


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Guys, it's really appreciated. Thanks.

On a side note, are my aerolas puffy or it's me being paranoid ?

Could it be related to the weight or ?

Offline tfox

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I think you're fine man, just drop the excess fat and you'll be set. You have a lot of muscle on you, but the key to shaping your body is 70% diet, 30% physical.

Start taking in 1 gram of protein per pound per day, 3 days of lifting, and some cardio.

Drink a lot of pop? If you stop completely (Diet Cola included), you should notice a drop of about 5 - 10lbs.

Cut out sugar, stay away from whites, and you'll be set!


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