Author Topic: I had an UNexpected but terrific surgery today!  (Read 2521 times)

Offline MonarchX

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I was supposed to have it tomorrow, but I had it done today because I work for my surgeon and the schedule changed

He is a dermatologist who specializes in Mohs Micrographic surgery for cancer removal but also does many cosmetic procedures including liposuction.

I took Valium 1 hour before the surgery and it helped a little.

The surgery was done under local anaesthesia with Valium as the only sedation.  There was no suction machine in the office.  The surgeon used the syrgine method.

My problem was mostly glandular with some fat around it.  
The doctor decided that an aggressive liposuction could get rid of the gland.  My gland was not too big (size of a quarter, a bit thicker).  

The surgery lasted about 5 hours (inlcuding preparation, anaesthesia, pictures, etc.)

The surgeon broke through the gland many times and cut it into many pieces and then sucked out.  He was very very anal about it (a real perfectionist).  He kept touching and feeling until none of the gland was left.  It took quite a few attempts and 2 incision per each chest side to get rid of the gland.

Even when the surgery was almost over, he felt a bit bubbly stuff under my nipple and proceded to get it out.  
He was very anal about taking tissue underneath the nipple to make it real flat.  It was VERY aggressive as far as breaking the gland went.

There was little pain involved (only edges of the skin when the canula was touching them).  

Right now I am 2 hours post-op and due to anaesthesia and compression vest I feel no pain.

After the surgery, I examined my breast tissue and found an incredibly tiny left over of the gland on each side.  Its like a smooth 0.1mm in height surface maybe 7mm long.  The original gland was bubbly rough scarred on feel.

My chest/nipples are completely flat at the moment and were like that post-op.  

Because I knew how much gland there was (I workout and my problem was quite small), I would assume that about 90% of the gland is gone.  

I am quite happy.   I will post pics in 2 weeks or so to see a good comparison!


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