Author Topic: Info please  (Read 2831 times)

Offline wolfpack24

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Im still unsure on how gyne comes about. Does the fat accumulate around the hard tissue? If so, why does the PS leave tissue in there. I ask this b/c i had surgery a year ago. In february, i still felt alot of tissue in there and my nipples started protruding out. I went in for a revision and he took more tissue out but left a little in for shape. Now its October, and I still feel a little tissue in there which is fine, it seems that my nipples are protruding out again and more fat is developing. Can anyone provide any info on this. Many thanks

Offline Mr_Nip

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When you say "tissue" are you referring to fat that's been liposuctioned or do you mean gland that's been removed?  If the gland hasn't been excised then the nipples can still protrude and look puffy.  Also, if you still have unresolved hormone imbalances then the gyne can come back once removed.  Have you been to an endocrynologist to see how your hormones are looking?  


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Offline wolfpack24

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Yes, when I say tissue I mean gland. And i did see an endo before my very first surgery. So I'm clueless right now?

Offline headheldhigh01

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i don't think it's around it in the physical way, i think the tissue stores fat content and expands.  a ps wants to take out less, we usually want to take out more.  i'd call him up, explain it, and ask him to discuss doing a revision for you.  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Paa_Paw

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The breast area is a normal place for the body to store fat, even in men.

We are all born with some glandular breast tissue or 'buds', and even the most flat chested of men still have it.

If your surgeon took out too much of either or both, your nipples would be cratered and look really bad. That kind of error is very difficult for even the best of surgeons to correct later.

Consider yourself fortunate that there may have been a bit too much left in rather than too much removed.
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Offline wolfpack24

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I think he took the right amount out but for some reason it looks like the fat is coming back causing my nipples to stick out. I've been eating well so its not bad diet. Could my endo have missed something?

Offline Paa_Paw

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I come from a family where the condition is a family trait.

The breast is a normal place for fatty deposits. If it does not continue to enlarge, I supect that you may simply be stuck with it.

There are worse things. I have a 15 year old grand-daughter who is being treated for cancer. Yet she maintains a positive outlook.  Try to keep things in their proper perspective.

Offline wolfpack24

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I realize that but why didnt my Endo let me know about this before I had the surgery. Couldn't he have been able to find something in my levels of testosterone?


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