Author Topic: Can you get surgery 4 $3000 total anywhere?  (Read 4170 times)

Offline light412

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Money is tight and I will pay to have this done one way or another. Airline tickets are very cheap these days and from Cincinnati I could fly to Richmond, LA, NYC, basically anywhere for about $250. I'm trying to locate a doc anywhere that remove gland for about $2500-3500 total price. I can calculate getting and staying anywhere for cheap (800-1000 max). The issue is that I am getting quotes from all over ranging from 2500-6500. I figure I mine as well get it done somewhere for 3500, spend 1000 traveling and still come up better than going to the local guy for 6000. I may do this in Tijuana, but I have to admit that intimidates me. Any thoughts. thanks

Offline tornado

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dont let money be the factor.  You will be sorry in the long run..   Find the best..  Get it done then live your life,  Dont short change yourself.  Your worth it.....

Good luck !!!

Offline vaio

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Go to a local plastic surgeon who has some experience with gynecomastia work. Gynecomastia "experts" will run you over $4,500. A local plastic surgeon will be much cheaper.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2005, 10:51:38 AM by vaio »
$2,800 = Freedom! p;store=&prodid=&.done=http%3a//


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MEXICO!!! j/k dont. just save somw money up.

Offline needhelpnow

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There are plenty of surgeons in cleveland that will do it for 3,500. Post here or send me a mesage if u want to know who.

Offline oldgynodude

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I agree with tornado, money should be only one of the factors. Do your research and go with the one you think is the best for you in terms of both cost and quality/expertise of surgeon.

There was another thread here where a poster made an excellent point about surgeon's fees. Some of these surgeon's have to factor in the cost of where their business is located, hence more expensive areas like the san francisco bay area might be more costly than other cities in the U.S. where cost of living/expenses isn't as high.

One thing you should keep in mind is that you will be doing follow ups and whatnot. Surgery 3000 miles or more away may be cheaper, but it's not as convenient as somewhere closer.


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