Author Topic: Insurance the covers op for gyno  (Read 2024 times)

Offline ninja_mission

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Does anyone know of an insurance company that would pay/refund for a gyno op?

Offline flex1appeal

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Nope. Almost impossible to find one that will pay since they consider it cosmetic. You'd have to find a doctor who can prove to an insurance company that the procedure is necessary for some health reason before they'd agree to cover it. Good luck


Offline Paa_Paw

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I will agree with the above response, It would be rare to have insurance cover the cost of surgery in the US.

There are exceptions obviously. If Your gynecomastia is fairly obvious and causing Psychological problems, A letter from a Psychologist may help in getting your insurance to cover the cost of surgery

Even if you have insurance that covers this, there may be requirements which make it hard to actually get the coverage. Such as having the insurance for several years..

Gynecomastia is actually so common that it is statistically normal. The insurance companies jump on that statistic and claim that the surgery is purely cosmetic.

The most fair resolution would seem to lie somewhere in the middle. Sometimes the surgery is truly indicated for Psychological reasons and sometimes it would be purely cosmetic.

But no one is saying the insurance companies are really trying to be fair.
Grandpa Dan


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