What is a PT and an MB. I am sorry for not knowing these terms but after 22 years I am finally trying to do something about my problem. I imagine what life would be like without the constant mental compensation for hiding my gyne. In all facets of my life I have to keep it in mind. "At all costs do not take your shirt off, only wear loose fitting clothing and don't talk about it." I have a complex I think. I would like to loose this complex. I then think of people who have worse conditions like facial deformities or other things that are impossible to hide. I am not that bad off, why do I have so much fear and hatred about myself. If everyone understood the wide spectrum of physical and hormonal differences, people wouldn't even think twice about my less noticable grade of gyn. I think what actually put me over the edge was when i found out recently that I could get breast cancer.
I am not convinced that pot cannot cause gyne. To say that pot "causes" gyne is too far reaching. But I think that if a person starts pot before the pubecesant process is if force then moderate to heavy marijuana use changes the normal development of the person. This development change could be loss of memory, not growing as tall, smaller extremities like hands, feet, penis and hence development of gyne. Some people who have never smoked pot get gyne and some heavy pot smokers never get gyne but for some people, I believe that if they never smoked pot they would not have gyne. There is a spectrum of causality.
Another thing that I think might be funny or just BS to some people is that I played guitar when all through my teens and college. I always sat while I played and the upper part of the guitar always would "cup" my right breast. I noticed that sometimes having the guitar there for several hours that I would have a tingling feeling inside my gyne side. Almost a pleasing feeling. But all this was while the gyne was still developing and I did not correlate it at the time. But I think the hundreds of hours of physical guitar stimulation, pot use, and lack of excercise led to the development of the breast on that side of my body.
I think I understand about why women might feel so strongly abut having breasts and the connection to their femininity and sexuality. A developing breast actually feels good sometimes. I have thought about my problem a lot lately and some input on my thoughts would be nice. Am I in left field?