Author Topic: What is the worse issue about Gynecomastia?  (Read 3368 times)

Offline SoooTiredof-IT-

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     After a few months of going through this website I have come to realize the deep effects that this condition has on must of us to be especific mostly on the development of our personalities. There's nothing worse than to grow up hating yourself because of society body standars.The main issue in my opinion about this condition is that it makes us become something that we don't wanna be, and the worse thing about this is that becomes a big obstacle while we go from ealry adolescent to the first stages of adulthood.  I find very important to evaluate the way that we deal with this issue though our lifes since is an essential factor  regarding our personal growth. The point that I want to get across is that dont let this condition affect  the vision of the human being that you want to become.  I just wanted to put this out in the open...... any opinions about this are welcome...... I find this as a great way to evaluate the effects of this condition in each one of you.

Offline SoooTiredof-IT-

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        I forgot to add something to my previous post..... what is worst to deal with? The way that people react towards gyne or the way that U feel about yourself? Is just hard for me to understand some people, is societies way to tell us that is something wrong with us or is just pure evil human nature?  Nothing more to add...... I am just soo tired of this!!!

Offline realist85

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Some deep issues you bring up. I think that the primary driving force in people's lives is the need for approval from others and society. There's alot of reasons, from evolutionary psychology, to marketing, that society has strict physical standards. I, personally, admit my difficulty in feeling attracted to a woman who is not fit or has poor facial structure. It's nature.

However, some people use society's standards in order to put others down to make themselves feel better. That's due to their own insecurity. Never take people's unprovoked insults personally. The vast amount of time people insult others is when they are feeling insecure and need to take it out on someone, not because they find their target to be a bad person.

You can't really distinguish between disliking gyn because of people's reaction to it or because it makes me feel a certain way. I feel that way BECAUSE of people's reaction. They are one in the same. For 99% of people, our self perception is dictated largely by how others perceive us. If you don't agree, go look on people's facebook or myspace profiles.

Our superficiality is in our nature. We can ignore our gyn and live life, or we can retreat, or we can get surgery. I tried to live in phase one, but I felt I was not reaching my potential as a person. Tentative April 12. If others can ignore it and live 100%, then they are stronger than me. I can admit that, and focus on bettering myself.

Offline JeepKuntry

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Whether we want to admit it or not we look for approval from the people we come in contact with.  I think way to much emphasis is placed on physical features.  Look at most celebrities, without all the makeup and air brushing some actually don't appear to be physically attractive. I think what is often overlooked is how important just carrying a conversation can be.  When your married most of the time you are simply communicating with your spouse.

Offline SoooTiredof-IT-

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        Like many of you have heard before.. everything has a reason to be or to happend or to exist so I go back 15 years on my life and I start reflecting on all the things that I have experience thanks to gynecomastia and I wonder if I wasn't born with this condition would I be one of those individuals that take things for granted, would I be another ignorant person that makes fun of other people disabilities? I definetly consider the great deal of mental discomfort that we go through but is just making us soo much stronger as every day pass by. I think is a waste of time to feel hate toward your body , discomfort might be more acceptable  since the only thing wrong with us is what society makes us believe is wrong . Now everytime that I see or heard someone making a comment or reacting in a disrespectful way I just think that I am soo much better than them....they are just showing u how narrow minded they are.

Offline Jamama

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Yeah, gyno sucks, but in a way it can be a great thing.  I mean you definitely can learn a lot from it.  You'll grow up as a more humble person, and I for example, have taken part in diet, fitness, and weight lifting.  Without gyno I could have been one of those ignorant guys who makes fun of others with the condition.  Also, I most likely wouldnt be as active or diet conscious as I am now.

Please dont misinterpret me.  I hate gyno and I dont want to have this condition forever.  But I am sure in the long run (if I dont wait many years to get this taken care of) that gyno has some benefit.

Offline realist85

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Well said Jamama. I think this entire forum is a testament to how tolerant and accepting someone can become when they find themselves on the wrong end of an arbitrary societal standard. Just because we all hate our gyne and want to get rid of it doesn't mean we can't reflect on it to make ourselves better people.

Offline Paa_Paw

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I dreaded going into the military and  needing to live in a barraks with communal showers etc. My fears were laid to rest quickly enough though, There was another guy in the outfit who made a much better victim.

I guess the moral to this is that you should not volunteer to be a victim.

Surgical methods of male breast reduction were not too good when I was a young man. By the time effective surgery became common, I had different priorities.  If the surgical methods of today were available when I was a young man I may have taken that option. Now, nearing the age of 70 years, I could care less.

Those of you who are younger are fortunate to live in a time when there are real choices.
Grandpa Dan

Offline theblues

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My gyno case is not extreme, so most people don't usually notice it, for which I am grateful.

However, I always dread summertime when I wear just a shirt or something like that, and they can really show sometime.
I used to hate myself for them, since apart from them, I'm a good looking guy, and everyone is always asking me why I can't find a girlfriend and similar stuff. And I'm not sure really, maybe because I'm introverted and shy because of my gyno (which is true), or maybe because a girl that I get close to, can usually see my condition even through a sweater.
I don't really hate other people because of my condition, because the only ones who notice it most of the time are my friends, who refrain from commenting, except sometimes as a joke, and I don't take too much offence.
There was an occasion or two in the past, where I got insulted by some random retards, and that still kinda hurts, probably more so because it's so rare. That's why I dread this summer, and hope there won't be any incidents. Well, maybe if I get my surgery before then, I won't have to worry.  :)

Offline outertrial

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Few people are happy with their bodies and there are worse deformities that gynecomastia. However tough it is to live with it try not to blame all your problems on the gyne or assume your life will be perfect when you get rid of it. If people point out your gyne and make fun it says a lot about them and nothing about you.

The challenge with dealing with gyne is to remember that the vast majority of people dont care, however much we hate it ourselves.

That said I am feeling pretty frickin relieved I had my surgery last week  :)


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