Author Topic: Just discovered what I have is gynecomastia  (Read 4582 times)

Offline Rooster007

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I watched a show on the Science channel recently that talked about gynecomastia.  For the first time in my life I realized that there is a name for what I have.  I've looked at some of the photos online and read some of the stories and basically what was said and what I saw could have been coming from me.  So, where do I go from here?  I realize that surgery is available, but, I'd rather avoid that.  Is there any medication that I can take to help?  A recent situation that has caused me to look into a solution is that I think it is getting worse the older I get.  I am married and my wife is very understanding.  I've always thought it was my fault that my chest is so large.  I could go on and on, but, I'd rather just find a solution.  I am embarrassed to admit that my chest is sensitive in addition to being larger than they should be.  Is there anything I can do to make them not sensitive?  When I saw the show I felt relief that there are others out there like myself.  On the other hand I've always felt like there was something I could do to make it better.  Now, I am starting to think that it is a condition that is out of my control.

Offline jc71

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Hello Rooster,
We all tell a similar story. Check with a endocrinologist to see if you can be treated with meds. Glad to hear your wife is understanding. If you have gyne, yes, other than meds or surgery (or it just going away) it's out of your control. Go see a Plastic Surgeon to see what your options are if you choose surgery. Don't know what to tell you about the sensitive part.  :)

Offline I-Hate-Gyno

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Do you know of cases where gyno is a problem with the wife or gf? Why and how would they make a big deal out of it?

  One of my x-gf thought that my gyno was cute :-/, and that I should leave them the way they are ::)(hell no). Another pass xx-gf said she doesn't know what is the big deal about having gyno >:(, and my reply to her was how the hell would you feel if you were born with no breast(she then was on my side). All this to say, some women just have a different out look about the situation, and some may be good or some may be bad.

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$4500 needed for "freedom!"(vaio mb.).

Offline vaio

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There are no medications that will fix the gynecomastia.
The sugery I wouldnt even call surgery, because its so simple. I'd just call it a procedure. The incisions they make are half an inch long, under each areola. They pull out the glands. Than they lipo out the fat. At 3.5 weeks post op, I was at the beach with friends shirtless for about 30 min or so. No one could even notice the scars on my chest. I did get comments about my chest being small. I told everyone I had been doing cardio and dieting etc.

What you need to do is see you GP. Tell him what you are going to have done. Have your hormone levels checked. Some people develop gyne from screwed up hormones. If everything comes back good, schedual a consultation with a Plastic surgeon. This board will help you find one, and offer you tips in looking for one

Good luck.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2005, 10:44:50 AM by vaio »
$2,800 = Freedom! p;store=&prodid=&.done=http%3a//

Offline nukem2k5

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The incisions they make are half an inch long, under each areola. They pull out the glands. Than they lipo out the fat. At 3.5 weeks post op, I was at the beach with friends shirtless for about 30 min or so. No one could even notice the scars on my chest.

Also, some surgeons, like the one I chose, choose to go in through the armpit rather than your nipples in order to not leave any obvious scars on your areolas.  Your best bet is to find a good plastic surgeon in your area and schedule a consultation as soon as possible.
Reborn on May 24, 2005
Surgery Cost: $4,040
Dr. David Metzner - New Orleans, LA
My Photos
Two Years Post-Op Photos

Offline Paa_Paw

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Welcome aboard Rooster007,

I would ditto the above posts which encourage a visit to the Doctor with an Endocrinologist being preferred.  Most Gynecomastia is physically harmless though it can be a symptom of other problems so it should be checked out.

With that done,  It will be time to decide whether to cut, or cope.  Either way, you'll find help here.

With respect to sensitivity: Male or Female, we all came into this life with essentially the same rudimentary breasts.  This includes their nerve supply.  Some peoples breasts are more sensitive than others, but there is no reason why a man's breasts should necessarily be less sensitive than a woman's.  Surprise, that is normal!

Grandpa Dan

Offline headheldhigh01

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but there is no reason why a man's breasts should necessarily be less sensitive than a woman's.
weirdly, we're not in a position to tell, but i don't think this is correct.  normal guys don't seem terribly interested in their own, and my best pre-gyne recollection is it wasn't much different from just skin anywhere else.  i need no extra sensitivities, i personally would be thrilled to be back to that.  
« Last Edit: March 31, 2005, 11:46:07 PM by headheldhigh01 »
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Paa_Paw

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I suspect that what we perceive as increased sensitivity is due to heightened awareness.  I doubt if anyone has a truly objective view.  Mine seem to be more sesitive when they become more of a nuissance and less sensitive when I can ignore them.  Of course it could be the other way around.  

Periods of heightened sensitivity are not something I look forward to,  it is aggravating.  

Having boobs is not pleasant.

Offline GALD_MAN1000

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your about to take advise form a 17yo who just had the op. best decision ive ever made. at least you dont have to work up the courage to tell ur mum and ask to get a doc's opinion. When the doc told me i would have to have surgery to make it definately go away i was quite shocked. But yeah i just sucked it up and said okay lets go. Scary stuff having the op and all but im guessing you'll feel %200 better after it. Good-luck and welcome to the site

Offline Rooster007

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Thank you all so much for your thoughtful replys and taking the time to enlighten me.  To say I am a bit nervous about exploring the idea of getting surgery is an understatement.  I have always been embarrassed to even take off my shirt in a doctor's office.  I just don't think I have the courage to be "that" up front with a doctor.  I am so tired of wearing baggy shirts and never never never taking my shirt off in public.  Shoot I won't even go swimming in public when I don't even know anyone there and I live 2 miles from the Pacific Ocean.  Can someone coach me through this.  I don't think that money will be a problem.  I am a software developer and I never even knew that men were able to have this done before I saw the show on the Science channel.  How can I convince myself not to be afraid?  :-[


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Welcome rooster,  Most here are of the cut'em-off "cure".

I have large, very sexually sensitive 40-C breasts.   Ihave no plans to cut'em-off,  They are a part of.  It runs in my family thru several generations.

Try just wearing a T-shirt to the mall.  It will seem strange the first time.  After several trips you will find they no one cares.  You will see many men with larger ones than yours.  In fact there are millions of men with larger breasts that live happy lives.

They do not let the size of their breasts run their lives.  It is all about attitude.  A few here have accepted gynecomastia as a normal part of life, got married, & had kids.

I am a SCADA programmer for automation.  

May the Forth be with you.


Offline Spleen

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How can I convince myself not to be afraid?  :-[

This sounds horribly circular, but the way to convince yourself not to be to convince yourself not to be afraid.  It's a decision you have to make and it has to come from within. You need to concentrate on facing your fears and apprehensions.   Remember that no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.  Trust me that the vast majority of the world doesn't care nearly as much about your chest as you do.  Good luck.


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