Author Topic: I feel like this website is my last hope (pics enclosed)  (Read 3567 times)

Offline hatemyselfwant2die

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I know I have gynecomastia. It's killing me inside and just want your guys opinion on how bad I got it.

these are not the best quality, and the light confuses the image in the last pic, but there they are. Don't hold back. Give me your honest answers. I'm 6'4, and I weight 190 lbs.

Offline MRD

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Welcome to the forums. First of all, your gyne is not that bad at all, take a look at some pictures on this site and you will see that. Secondly, you are not alone....everyone here either has gone through it or is going through it. What i recommend for you is to get in shape, start exercise and dieting. Tone up your body. After you are in shape you can then see if there is any improvement in your chest. It will not get you a flat chest, but i am sure there will be some improvement. If then, you are still not satisfied with your chest, you can start looking into surgery as an option.  For me, i got into very good shape, i was toned and muscular but my gyne still stayed....although it was very small, it still bothered me and i chose to have the surgery done. Good luck with your decision

Offline hatemyselfwant2die

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thanks for the feedback guys. I was going to go into a long rant about myself, but I realize there's another forum for that kind of stuff....

I'm 23 yrs old, and I smoked pot for about 10 years, did heroin and oxtcontin for the last 3 years. On Jan. 27th I got clean and sober and since then, I've been exercising, and dieting. (kind of) So since late January, I alternate workout days between lifting weights, and jogging/walking 3 miles.

I've seen a little bit of an improvement since then, but some days, it just feels (and looks) hopeless.

Offline hatemyselfwant2die

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thanks everyone. I don't understand how my case "isn't that bad" though. I've seen alot of pics on this forum, and mine looks worse than most of them, in my eyes at least.

maywest, thank you for your words of encouragement. I like your idea of using my ex as motivation, and I do think of her alot when I work out. I also think of every single time someone made fun of me and made me feel like less of a man, and when I feel like I can't go on, past that last pushup, I just close my eyes and focus my anger.

everyone makes comments about whether the gyne is fat or glandular, so can anyone give a guess at what mine is? I don't get it.....

Offline hatemyselfwant2die

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I'm doing cross training right now every day. I'm alternating between 3 miles on the treadmill (half at 4 mph/fast walk, other half at 5mph/slow jog) and about 45 minutes of lifting weights on my home gym machine.

When I work out on the home machine, I mostly do exercises that focus on the pecs. Is this a bad idea? Should I run every day instead of 3-4 times a week?

Offline TheChosenone

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I think you could clean yourself up with just a good diet. Work your whole body but you need to eat better. Whats your diet like?

I'm doing cross training right now every day. I'm alternating between 3 miles on the treadmill (half at 4 mph/fast walk, other half at 5mph/slow jog) and about 45 minutes of lifting weights on my home gym machine.

When I work out on the home machine, I mostly do exercises that focus on the pecs. Is this a bad idea? Should I run every day instead of 3-4 times a week?

Offline Jordan23

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Also welcome to the forums dude. Don't feel bad mine were probably worse than yours. When I bent down I could see the whole breast tissue just sag along w/ my upper body so I was deeply embarassed. I also had alot of feelings such as yourself. "Why was I born like this?" "Did God want me to have this to go through some challenges or wtf?" "Noone likes me" I felt that I couldn't have much fun w/ everyone. About the girl situation that you posted on another thread don't worry hehe. I'm still 28 and haven't had a g/f yet because of how bad I have felt. But things started to improve I had a good talking to some of my friends and over the internet and they supported me w/ the surgery. My mom was at first kind of hesitant but then she agreed that she knew it would make me a happier person. But before surgery my whole life turned around. I saw the movie 300 as ridiculous as it sounds and that was total inspiration for me. I wanted a killer bod and to be healthy. I worked out quite a bit and watched my diet and watched pounds shed off me like crazy. I: then started to build muscle as well even underneath my gyne. Believe it or not the muscles around my arms, shoulders made it look like my gyne was part of the muscle. The rest of my body started to look great and  I saw results and my depression went right out the door. I looked toward surgery and am already 11 days out and feeling great still need time to heal though but I know my confidence level has increased even more and I know it will skyrocket once I take this vest off and hit the gym once more.

So don't feel bad bro. Life is a precious thing don't just think about yourself think about what your family would feel if you went suicidal. I know the thought of the pain of my mother would feel and rest of my fam would tear them apart and it's just not worth it. It's time I think to turn things around and kick depression out the door and don't worry about the negative sayings people have to say. Shrug that shit off. Work out and/or get your surgery done and you'll be a new man then you can show everyone wtf is up. Good luck to you and best wishes.


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