Author Topic: surgery failed : Fielding puzzled ?  (Read 8146 times)

Offline brebguy

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- i'm puzzled! i am very surprised that you still have that much breast tissu on your chest.

said Doctor Fielding yesterday. although i did not really expect much of a reason to explain the failure of my surgery, i was kinda hoping there might be one...

so the option for me is revision in september... lipo only and no fee (except for hospital fees, which i'm not too happy about)...

its like he forgot to do lipo especially considering that he said that there wasnt that much gland so what is it that was done in the first place ?
anyways, overall this second procedure is going to cost me about 500-700$ (transportation from mtl to TO and TO to mtl, hospital fees, cabs,...).
and i already paid about a little more than 3000$ for the first intervention... not cool >:(
surgery did not work...:-(
Dr. Fielding (TO - Ontario : 416.766.8890) on august 9th, 2006 and revision on september 21st, 2007

Offline oldspice

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wow dude, im pretty shocked. he didnt even say what might have gone wrong? did he give u any reason to feel optimistic about revision? like did he say, ''ohh i know what went wrong, this should be a simple fix", anything at all? because thats pretty weird. i was considering surgery with fielding, the only successful person i have seen with him is bambu and willy. the rest of his patients aren't satisfied. well anyways good luck

Offline loman1

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haven't been on the site in a while and I comeback after a month to see that brebguy is still in the same boat. I hope the revision goes well for you buddy.

As far as successes with fielding you can add my name to that list. Very very happy with my results. Surgery was done on January 31 of this year.  Another guy to put on the list is Alexgon who had his surgery on the same day as me. He had a good result and has basically disappeared from the forums.

Offline NoChance

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I know its almost as if this site is run by fielding the way some people keep pushing him, but I've heard of more botched jobs than good ones.  It was the Dr's responsibility to do it right the first time, not the patients.  I would be thinking legal action if he thinks you should have to pay anything for a revision.  Going through the surgery again is bad enough, but having to pay extra? How about he does it right the first time or at least shows a bit of care.

Offline brebguy

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i dont think its about doing it right or not the first time, i think the body can actually react differently to that type of surgery and fat being somehow liquid i believe it can move around...
as for others saying that feilding did a bad job, i dont want to minimize there opinion but all of them have also admitted seeing quite an improvement, the result is just not always perfectly symetrical or perfectly flat. i dont think it has happend to anyone to have breasts almost as big as before (or at least i've never seen some before and after pictures that would justified such unhappiness.

my point is that, i dont think the fact that my surgery did not work is a sign that Fielding is imcompetend i just think its the kind of thing that can happen and that i was unfortunate enough to be the one in that situation.

i dont think the outcome would have been much different with another doctor but i think that for the amount i'll end up paying, i could have went to a doctor closer to home or with more service (since Fielding doesnt have an actual surgical clinic which would have been nice)

but this board DOES have a problem. i stilll think we do need to stop pushing patients to Fielding because some of us who still come to the forum had surgery with him and believe in his technique and capabilities.

the board needs to have an objective view of the various surgeons to give better advice to gynecomastia sufferers who dont know where to go. Fielding cannot always be the answer and we need to give a chance to other doctors and maybe we will find out at some point that Fielding's technique which is really traditionnal is not necessarily the best for everyone.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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i'm puzzled! i am very surprised that you still have that much breast tissue on your chest, said Doctor Fielding yesterday.

At least i've never seen some before and after pictures that would justified such unhappiness.

Do you have any recent pics posted?  To "justify such unhappiness...."

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline brebguy

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ya i posted a pics a few weeks ago... not the best pics but i think you can get the general sense.... they are on the first page of this post :,9497.0.html


Offline brebguy

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bah here they are again, instead of using a link...



AFTER 8 months :

Offline kenyo

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Wow. I remember you posting about this 6 months ago.

My results with fielding are not 100% either (still have big nips but dont point out as much) but I am fairly satisfied.

Offline Give me Life

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Sorry to see that but seems like we both are in same boat. I had my surgery from him in last sept. and it's been now 10 months but little improvement. I won't say it's same as before. It been lot of improvement (50-60%) but not at a stage where I can go without shirt on beach or pool. Abd that's for I piad him 1800$. Well, he told me to wait for a year to get a good result. So I will wait for another 2 months (will that change result???) and then will see him. But looking today, I think I will also be going again under knife. Don't mind really if he promise to give flat out cheast.
Surgery done on Sept 6th, 2006 with Dr. Fielding - Toronto. Not 100% cured but will get there for sure !!!

Revision done on December 7th, 2007. Let's hope for best !!!

Dr. Fielding
Suite #401, 2425 Bloor Street West, Toronto

Tel: 416.766.88

Offline willy27

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I had a surgery 5 weeks ago with fielding, My left nipple is puffier than my right still. It still sticks out of my shirts, EVen if there is still more time to allow for healing, I doubt the case will get better for me. Its so annoying That I still have to check if my nipples are sticking out too much After having surgery.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Very sorry to hear/see that your surgery didn't work out for you dude. It's very odd that results can vary that much. It would be interesting to discuss your case with JCF, however with patient/doc confidentiality, that would be an impossibility.

Did you have any bruising directly after surgery? If you had no bruising at all, that could be an indication that lipo was not done.


Offline brebguy

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hey man... i know its weird... he thought it was weird as well.... i had absolutely no bruising then again, i dont bruise easily at all.

plus, some of you might recall that in the first 2 or 3 weeks after surgery, the results were perfect. hell even more than perfect i was so happy. and then, downhill from there... so i dont think lipo wasnt performed ( i trust the man too much to think he might tried to trick me). i think he could have been a little more agressive on the lipo. I'm getting the feeling he plays it safe with some patients, giving a good result but not necessarily the best he could, but i dont know, maybe thats just me...

he said that fat being somewhat "liquid" it might actually more around (its just weird to see so much fat going back in the same area)...
anyways, i'm suppose to call him back to book an appointment with him in september.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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i'm suppose to call him back to book an appointment with him in september.

Good luck dude!



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