Hey guys, last year in my freshman year I went on a diet because I was weighing in at 307 lbs, I joined up with the football team and started weightlifting as well, I'm now down to 210-215 lbs, and would call myself pretty well fit, Blood pressure 133/66, Pulse is 50 at rest which is decent. I'm currently 16 now 6' and weighing 210-215 lbs
I started out benching a measly 115 lbs, and I'm now at 230 lbs so I'm pretty strong now too (all those benches I was hoping would sculpt my chest which is where this is going)
To make a long story short I never even considered gyne as a possibility, but now I am since its near 100 lbs later and my "man-boobs" are still there in full force.
I plan to post some pics once I get my camera working again probably Sunday, but for now I would just like to describe it maybe someone can tell me more on how I can figure if its gyno or just like loose-skin and fat since my target weight is about 180
Anyway it feels almost like...theres a glob of something floating around in just fluid and if I squeeze it its easilly movable. Any info for me? please >_<
P.S. I'm currently taking 'diet aid of questionable value' which someone recommended to me is this fruitless?