Author Topic: Shaq's Big Challenge  (Read 1663 times)

Offline Bolognianips

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Any body been watching Shaq's Big Challenge?  Poor kids.  I can't imagine having that kind of weight problem, and gyne to boot when I was a kid.  I'm guessing, that gynecomastia is going to become a more prevalent problem in the future. 

Anyways, my point, it looks like they are becoming happier with themselves, which I think is the best, cheapest and safest cure for the most prevalent symptoms of gyne, and obesity. (ie. psychological).

Offline Bolognianips

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I like that dude with bad acne the most!  Hes funny, but then I realize that he seems oblivious to the image centric world we have all entered.  Its sad to think how many people that have a good heart are beaten down because they don't look like like they belong in a Gap commercial.


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