Author Topic: workout routine  (Read 6159 times)

Offline bennj51189

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does anyone have a good workout routine that worked for them to diminsh the apperance of their gyno and also take the focus off of their gyno?

Offline macho

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hit as any dips as u can. war up well first.

Offline Worrier

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Although users are quite right to say you cannot spot reduce fat (there have been studies that spot reduction is possible but the amount of fat loss is slight so therefore there are much better ways like overall fat loss from running/swimming /diet ) I think the type of exercises you do can have an effect on the shape of your chest. How successful exercise is with gyne depends on the ratio of fat/gland in the chest (you can't do anything about the gland) .Also even if it is mainly fat , some peoples skin doesn't tighten as well as others. You may be lucky, you may not.

I would stay away from decline bench presses , and ESP parallel bar dips. I found it made my chest bottom heavy and made it more noticeable. Incline bench presses, bench presses and yes even the good old pressup are the best exercises you can do. I personally did incline bench and pressups (I did circuits of pressups, situps,burpees and pullups on seperate days to weights) . In the weight room you should also focus on other muscles too esp your back and shoulders.As improving your posture will help hugely funnily enough. I only went to the gym twice a week and lifted heavy. The rest was cardio and circuits.

Another tip is swimming...... unfortunately swimming , breast stroke   made a huge difference to my chest. I recommend it if you can do it. Try doing 30mins to an hour of lengths of front crawl and breast stroke twice a week.

Finallly watch your diet. Eat plenty of red meat and broccli. Don't treat the fat off the meat either . Stay away from soft drinks and junk food. Do that for six months and reevaluate

Offline seekingdignity

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well i have done lots of weight training but even with incline presses it is hard to "smoothen"  out the chest if you have gyne. i mean the math.  if your nipple region protrudes out 2 inches from your chest to make your chest appear level you gotta add 2 inches  of thickness to your upper pecs. (thats not 2 inches more on the tape that goes around your torso...its two inches of "thickness"...get what i mean?) thats easier said than done.  anyways flat bench presses or decline stuff will do more harm as they will push out the breast tissue even more. (as happened with me).  plus the pump that you get after hitting a dont want that for your chest. same reason..bigger looking breasts. so i think one must not pin any hopes on weight training and muscular development to counter gyne. it dosent work too well.

Offline Shot3

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If you have gynecomastia, it want go away by exercice
Anyway, to get healthy, I suggest, go to work with a push bike if you can, go jogging 3 times a week for half an hour, walk as much as possible,you can also do a bit of lifitng, but seriously, the reality is that gynecomastia will stick on you chest till the day you go under the knife and have it removed by a good surgeon


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