Author Topic: At 16, do I have gyne...?  (Read 3231 times)

Offline cheapcityhalo

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Now before you look at the pics let me tell you my story. I was unhappy with my weight around when I turned 15. I lost ALOT of weight. Cant remember the exact numbers but I used to wear size 36 or 38 jeans and got down to wearing size 31 jeans. Well I still had the dreaded "man boobs" every kid fears. So I started working out. I did many chest reps, alot of butterflies, chest presses, and so on. I also continued to run and diet. Now about 6 months ago my mom got scarred and thought I was loosing too much weight. She got my doctor to advise for me to cut down on the running and put back the sugars in my diet. So I put some pounds back on yet continue to work out. I can not get them to go away FOR ANYTHING. They dont look bad here because I have more weight around them but when I was skinnier they stuck out like a sore thumb. Think I have gyne'...?

They may not look it in the pic because it is cold tonight  ;) but I also have really puffy nipples to the point where you cant see the nipple itself.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2005, 05:54:45 PM by cheapcityhalo »

Offline nukem2k5

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Yeah looks like a mild case.  If it bothers you as much as it seems, surgery is what you're looking at.
Reborn on May 24, 2005
Surgery Cost: $4,040
Dr. David Metzner - New Orleans, LA
My Photos
Two Years Post-Op Photos

Offline doddy

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  • 06/04/2005.
You look quite a lot like I did pre-op. If you can, get the surgery.

Offline Spleen

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Really doddy?  I think he looks normal and not a heck of a lot like your before pix.  Maybe it's the angle of the photo, but looks OK to me.

Offline doddy

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  • 06/04/2005.
Well you think everyone looks fine  ;)

All joking aside, his case is mildish (like mine was), but still noticable and potentially embarrassing. I'm assuming (from his story) that he's around my age, and trust me.. it's a lot harder when you're around our age.

We don't have accepting wives, etc.

Offline xSpiritx

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Wow man nice job with the weight loss. Your chest looks like your just strong man. I wouldn't even worry about it.

Offline cheapcityhalo

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Thanks. This isn't really the news I wanted to hear, ha. Im still only 16 so I can only hope this goes away. My parents would probably laugh at me if I considered surgery. Im going to stop trying to keep this weight balance going and just go back to being skinny and hope it may be atleast some fat around there. Can this go away with age? Not that matters as it will probably only bug me when Im younger.

Offline Paa_Paw

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This is probably not what you want to hear, But I suspect that there are a lot of young men who would be thrilled if they looked that good AFTER surgery.

If you have a breast problem, it is not on your chest but between your ears.
Grandpa Dan


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