Author Topic: told my mom yesterday  (Read 2743 times)

Offline Fat-Elvis

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Wow, I can't believe I actually came out and told her.  I've had it since 17 so it's been 9 years now.  I would've just gotten the surgery by now but there's no way I would be able to afford it myself. 

So anyway the other night I told her there's something I need to tell her and that I need to do something, but it can wait until tomorrow.  So she approached me the next day, and after eventually telling her I need to see an endocrinologist, another five minutes later spit it out, that "my chest isn't the way it's supposed to be".  She said "really" with a concerned look on her face, and was very accepting about the problem.  She didn't question it one bit.  I told her it was the reason I started exercising/dieting 4 years ago (which really changed me), and that seemed to hit her the most.  She said "you know you shouldn't keep things like this a secret from us", and spent a while helping me look up endos and insurance stuff.

So yeah, that's a huge weight off my chest (so to speak, ha ha).  I spent the longest time thinking I may never do anything about it (it's a mild-to-moderate case) and that my parents would never know and help me do anything about it.  I'm just glad she was very accepting and open-minded about it.  If it weren't for having boobs, I'd say I'm pretty lucky. :)

Offline want2go2beach

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i told my mom a few weeks ago.  I just couldn't figure out how to break the ice, so i sent her an email.  she responded, and said that she couldn't believe that something has been bothering me for so long and i haven't told her or my dad.  anyway, we sat down and talked in person, and it was pretty easy going.  she is paying for my consult fees, we'll see what happens after that.

Offline damgyno

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i only live with my dad and would dare say anything.

Offline snycs10

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I've had gyno now for almost four years and I only gathered up enough courage to tell my parents a few weeks becuaseI knew that if I wanted this done anytime soon (I'm 26) I would need to ask them for financial assistance. My only regret about telling my parents is that I didn't tell them sooner. I know how embarassing gyno is, but my parents just explained to me how much they love me and if having the procedure means I can get back to enjoying life to it's fullest then the cost certainly outweighs the happiness it will bring. I'm going in for my surgery in 2 weeks and am very anxious/excited. I'm so happy I told my parents who have shown nothing but support for me. That being said, they were somewhat hesitant about me having elective surgery, but after I told them how gyno has really effected almost every aspect of my life, they were very understanding. I certainly reccommend telling your parents, becuase if they love you they can at least be there for support in any way they can offer it.


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