Author Topic: Unreal! Two Doctors in Ontario tell me I have gynecomastia...  (Read 2415 times)

Offline JacobJ

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Hi guys,

22 years old.  I was an overweight kid until about 16, and lost weight, but the chest stayed flabby. 
I went to my family doctor at 20 years old.  Told him the following:
"sore when I play sports, put a shirt on", it really bothers me etc...
His response was that it is normal for my age (obviously!), that I should keep working out and eating healthy, and that one day, it won't be there any longer.

Okay fine... 1.5 years pass to today, where I go again.  My original family doctor is on sick leave so I had to see a doctor on call.  There is a HUGE doctor shortage in Ontario, so I'm left with limited options.

I emailed a local plastic surgeon, and he says it is a common problem that will most likely be covered by OHIP, but first I'd need to get a referral from a general practicioner.

This time I told the doctor "I came a year and a half ago for the same problem.  It still really hurts to do certain things like sports and even sometimes sleeping at night on my stomach.  As well, I squeezed it a bit and a dark discharge came out."

He asks me to take off my shirt, tells me I have gyencomastia, and that he's seen worse though.  He told me to "live with it", and when it starts hurting "take tylenol or advil for the pain."  I was seriously in disbelief a doctor was telling me this, so I went further saying that it's been like this for a total of at least 4 years that I can remember, its not going away, and it really does hurt quite often.  I told him I'd be taking advil almost every day for how sore it can get at times.  I then asked is there ANY way I can be moving towards getting this removed.  He told me "It's not cancer, I've had one case of male breast cancer in 30 years.  It's just the way your made up, some people have it and some don't, get used to it, budd." 

I don't think I've ever met such a jerk in my life.  I'm totally lost as to what to do now.  It took me so much time to build up the guts to even go see the doctor, and now I have nothing!  I don't know any other doctors I can go to without running into the same two I have before.  HELP!

Offline skyhawk

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Some physicians understand gynecomastia, while others don't. Ive learned that just because someone is a MD doesn't mean they are well versed in gynecomastia.   

Offline JacobJ

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This guy knew what he was talking about (said he's seen gynecomastia many times before), and simply didn't care, citing there was no medical concern of it being malignant or anything.

Offline matthew1

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Thats what happens with socialized medicine [ and why I do not like it], you  have to  wait months to see a doctor and you have very limited  amount of doctors.
                   Save your money  and pay for it or get a loan. I know it  sounds harsh, but a  20 something old young man like yourself  has no boundries,  do what you got to do to get the money find a  doc that will fix you

Offline dcvet

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Bro, if you're in Ontario give Dr.Fielding a call - He's on bloor st in Toronto.  OHIP WILL cover the majority of the surgery, and you'll only have to pay about 1500 bucks out of your pocket.  Here's a link to my sugery experience with before and after photos:

PM me if you have any questions.

ps.  Yes, many doctors are dickheads and dont give a shit


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