Author Topic: Three Cheers  (Read 6077 times)

Offline wiseguy

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 Does nobody else notice that all the before and after photos look like complete horsesh*t? I am not one of those grinning optimists who are so easily satisfied that they are actually HAPPY to look like mutants . There are no improvements. You go through a ton of pain to look like someone that used to have boobs, but then had the fat and blood and tissue sucked out, so that they appear to have two deflated fleshy balloons hanging from the upper half of their obese torsoes. This is pointless, and dumb. I wonder if you did enough coke or speed and didn't eat, if your body would eat your boobs as fuel, once it ran out of dont see any pictures of jews in deathcamps with manboobs. Thats because they were starving and their gyno melted away like hot wax. The problem with manboobs is that you cant take off your shirt when you're in a romantic situation. The worst thing is when you are thin and attractive except for the twins. But then what? go get surgery so you can look like woody allen? with concave nipples that are three times larger than they should be? I dont think I'd be any happier. Woody allen is famous for marrying his  twelve year old cousin, not for having killer pinup sports illustrated pecks and rump. To hell with operations. I'm going to try the drugs. Three cheers for substance abuse.

Offline doddy

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  • 06/04/2005.

Offline uk_bloke

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err ,so whats your point  "wiseguy" ?

Offline wiseguy

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I guess my point is. why get the surgery when it doesn't work?

Offline doddy

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Surgery doesn't work? Really? Click the link in my signature, and keep in mind that I have absolutely no bruising anymore.

I could have sworn that it was surgery that made my chest and nipples flat?

Offline serg

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Surgery has made a massive different to my chest. Saying surgery never makes no difference is both inaccurate and unhelpful.

« Last Edit: April 26, 2005, 12:22:18 PM by serg »

Offline Spleen

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Wow.  A righteous flame for only your second post.

Anyway, I'm wondering how you came to the conclusion that *all* the surgery results were a flop.  I've seen some that have been less than impressive, but on balance the great majority of surgerys appear to accomplish the goal of minimizing the man-breast$.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2005, 03:35:17 PM by Spleen »

Offline Blarneystoner

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the poor guy's obviously in denial. he's frustrated like we all were at a time. he's blowing off steam possibly because he can't get the surgery for one reason or another. i have seen maybe 2 surgery pics (which i'm not even sure were real) that don't make decent improvements. some of you probably know the ones im talking about  ;)
Please, Jesus, make my gyne go away!

Offline toronto

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i wonder what grahame_ashe will say to this thread..

he is against advocating surgery, but at least he is intelligent in his arguments..

this is just nonsense

jews in concentration camps? come on now...

Offline boobhater22

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Perhaps if you have a minor case of gyne, there may not be much of a point to get surgery. But if someone has large, fully developed breasts...which would you rather have--large breasts or a chest that isn't as great as it could be?!

I am sure if you looked hard enough you would find Jews in the concentration camps who had gyne...

Offline Ax87

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your gay, dont get surgery then and shut up.

Offline doddy

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  • 06/04/2005.

A good try, but you can NOT be in disagreement with the members of this site. They are overwhelmingly biased in their opinion that surgery is almost always necessary, and anyone who has anything larger than dime-sized, flat nipples needs surgery. I agree that at least half of the "after" pics on this site are sickening to view, even after the healing process has gone on for some time. But, don't bother trying - they can be vicious in their slander and hate, as they have been with me, and they will certainly continue in that mode once they have read this posting!

It is true that I myself AM biased in favor of not having surgery if it is not necessary. It just makes me sick seeing an aesthetically nice looking chest butchered just because a guy's nipples are a little (or a lot) bigger than average.

It is also true that I have stated on this forum that I run a very large internet site devoted to the male chest, but it is not true at all that I am continuously trying to get photographic subjects from the members of this forum. That is nothing more than a lie. My site has the greatest looking men with the greatest chests in the world, and the club was founded in 1980. We do not need or want anyone from this forum, and I do not try to get them in any way. But, the lying and slander will always continue, and the chest destruction sickens me.

Those unfortunates who actually do have classic gynecomastia (woman-like breasts) do indeed need the surgery. But the members of this forum have decided, in their self-importance, that they can RE-DEFINE the dictionary, encyclopedia and medical reference books to what is their own NEW definition of gynecomastia.

Their definition is this:

Gynecomastia: A "embarrassing" condition of the male chest in which 2 cubic centimeters or more of breast tissue are present, and/or the nipples are larger than 3/4 inch in diameter.

Don't try to fight them - I have given up on these persons. It is hopeless. They will go on to reinforce the fears of very impressionable 14, 15, 16 and 17 year olds, which fears this very site has been instrumental in creating!  They will continue to advise these boys and young men to destroy the beautiful chests G-d gave them in favor of an O.O.O.N. type of chest (O.O.O.N.: Obviously Operated On Nipples)

Valiant effort Wiseguy, but just forget it and let them continue with their destruction. I gave up on them all last week for good. There is nothing but hatred, often cleverly disguised with sophistry, for anyone who dares to disagree. This is my last post on this site - period.

Seriously dude, a very simple question - who the hell do you think you are to decide for other human beings whether they should have surgery or not?

Everyone else who ever comments is making a suggestion. You are attempting to tell people how they should feel and what they should do. It's abhorrent.

And you're right, wiseguy's post - making light of the Holocaust - was certainly "valiant".  >:(

« Last Edit: July 12, 2005, 03:15:34 AM by doddy »

Offline sillyguy

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Hmm, I'm curious.  Maybe my eye is not well trained, but only a handful of the post-ops pics look like they were operated on to me.  Most look reasonable.  What makes them look butchered?

I've seen some of your posts, rob where you criticize someone who just had surgery.  Do you think that's a constructive thing to do to someone who just went through the whole surgery process?  The person had low self-esteem which is why they got the surgery, then you go and make a negative comment.  Right or wrong choice for that person, you should probably be supportive or say nothing at all (which is a valid option).

Keep in mind, I'm not upset, mad or anything like that.  I'm just confused as to how someone can be so insenstitive when expressing their opinion.  Which btw, your opinion is valid, the way you express is not.

Offline emil

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Hey Rob  BUh Bye!

Have fun with YOUR site devoted to the male chest.

Offline jonQ

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Sure thing there rob,get tha fuk outa here!
had the surgery done,now i'm gynecomastia-less


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