Author Topic: My crappy story  (Read 4104 times)

Offline surfwax

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 :o Well, as a little kid I was extremely overweight. Around grade 8 I lost a LOT of weight. Now I'm 5'7, 158 lbs. The only problem was that my fat boobs didn't go away, and they started to look more feminine. I was able to disguise my gyne quite well, and very few people ever made fun of me, even during gym class. But during grade 11 my girlfriend of a few weeks found out about my Gyne problem when she gave me a hug one day. After that, she didn't want to be anywhere near me. Right now I'm 17, almost 18. This summer I hope to have some surgery and solve this problem for good.

also, has anyone else with gyne had an issue with excess weight or trouble losing weight on other parts of their body? I have skinny arms and a rather normal stomach, but I have a fat ass and big legs.

Offline babar

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damn man, that girl is a b*tch.... sorri, thats all i have to say.

Offline headheldhigh01

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some people handle the surprise better than others.  if a gf told me she had chest hair, i'd hope i'd be supportive, but i'd probably blink and twitch first.  tell her once you've had the surgery and see if things improve.  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Paradox

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no dont even bother with her. thats my opinion judging from how she sounds. my ex-girlfriend must have either not noticed (which I dont think it was too hard to notice) or she was just too nice to say anything about it. we broke up for other reasons, it just didnt work out. but yeah anyway I have the same thing with my butt. Its like my chest and butt have gyno even though Im pretty lean overall. does the rear also have glandular tissue like the chest or do I just store fat there for some reason? anyways I feel ya man. I can't take my shirt off and feel terrible when I see a guy with nice chest. which is every day so life is pretty sad. heh. I haven't even talked to my parents about it yet. well take it easy and Im here if you need somebody to talk to - peace

Offline pureluck

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all i can say is get it fixed while you're young. I'm 23 now and totally regret regret not getting it fixed back when I was around 18. I know things would have turned out a lot different had I goten it fixed back then. It's not going to fix itself so just bite the bullet and go see a doc.

Offline Spleen

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Before you go for surgery make sure your hormones are all in order and that you're 100% healthy.  It would suck to have surgery and have a recurrence because some underlying cause wasn't addressed.


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