Well, I think the general concensus will be.. Not likely. I suppose anything can happen and there are some people I'm sure, that were fortunate enough to have it work itself out somehow. But, the reason we're all here is cause we have/had gynecomatia and needed direction cause it wasnt going away. I just had surgery dude. Had lived with it for 23 years.. No cream, treatment, special diet makes this stuff go away.Man, I did all the same things;Find excuses to wear a shirt, be first in and last out of the pools at school or wherever. Depending on where you live and the insurance/healthcare available to you. I'm going to try and save you 23 years of misery. Get properly diagnosed by a doctor, start a discussion (as horrible as it may seem) with your parents about finding a way to impliment your surgeon's solution. Personally, if your parents dont get it or need to know more, again, back to the doctor or even refer them to here. This place is a great resource.. Use it.