Author Topic: Low testosterone and hernia. Any connection?  (Read 9579 times)

Offline skyhawk

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Low testosterone has been named for causing gynecomastia. I have very low testosterone, unexplained.

For the past 6 months I have been stricken with testicular pain, noted after extertion or lifting. A Urologist says I have a small Hernia and will need surgery.

After researching hernia and testicular pain I learned that certain hernias can press on the nerve that runs to the testis, inducing the pain.

I questioned that if the presure on the nerve is enough to induce this much pain, then perhaps it could cause the testis to not function properly, producing low testosterone.... thus gynecomastia.

I posed this question to a physician friend of mine and he said " Oh Yes, anytime a nerve, gland, or muscle is downstream from a problem it can atrophy and malfunction."

However the Urologist thinks otherwise, that the hernia induced pain in my nuts is not effecting my testosterone levels. 

Anybody got any feedback on this?   

Offline rashdudes

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Sorry i don't have anything specific to your case ... however,
I did have a hernia operation when i was 4 years old .. and since 14 i had Gynecomastia.


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