Author Topic: 10kg in 2 weeks New Challenge !  (Read 2414 times)

Offline kingpin05

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My Surgeon has set me a new challenge even though she doesn't know it! I have an open appointment to return for revision surgery when I drop down to my original weight.

I need to have the surgery over this summer and definately by the end of july! I really don't want to be laid up in recovery when I should be studying or attending lectures etc. That happened last time and it effected my grades. I want to be well in to recovery before a vacation in late august.

Anyway I am now on a challenge to drop down from 110kg to 100kg by 23rd June.

Any tips, advice , comments, suggestions and/or guidance is totally welcomed.

I have gym access what would be the best machines to get to this goal?

Should I go near the weights at all ?

What should I drop or incorporate into my diet?

Offline omgninja

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rowing machine is good for weight loss. eat plenty of carbs and avoid high fat food. Drink lots of water too!

If you have too much body fat weights are a great way to get in shape! look up a little on weight training and try using weights which aren't that heavy so you don't put on weight in muscle mass. 

good luck!

irish lad

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well king il give you some advice as im a qualified fitness instructor at the end of next year still in college.. im just back from surgery myself.. if you want to lose weight its pretty much cardio (running,rower,swimming etc) also you could combine this with some weight lifting i.e 4 sets of 12 reps etc nothing major  this would help you tone up a lot more aswell as increase your metabolic rate... your diet also plays a huge part make sure you eat plently of carbs as king said but also make sure they are the right carbs(complex carbs) i.e from wholewheat foods..brown bread,bran flakes,brown pasta etc.. cut out all refined carbs i.e anything white like white bread,white pasta etc these foods are great for short burts of energy but often lead u feeling drained and hungry again while complex carbss i.e brown bread etc store carbs and slowly relase them throughout the day..also little things like slim milk instaed of full fat milk or if u can super milk its the best...plenty of protein chicken,fish etc and vegtables and fruit..lots of fibre increase your body abilty to break down meals faster...if u ask in the gym they should make a program for your goals and give you some tips on what to eat too cheers
« Last Edit: June 08, 2008, 02:28:44 PM by irish lad »

Offline Blue2

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I agree totally with Irish Lad but would emphasize cardio, cardio, cardio!!!!! It's the best thing to shred fat full stop, but it's hard, hard work! To be honest I think 10kg (22 lbs) in two weeks is extremely ambitious and virtually impossible to do healthily. To do this I would think you are going to be doing cardio for about 3 hours a day and eating VERY clean. Although you need your wholewheat carbs (low GI foods) for energy, you will also need to restrict the amount you eat as this will sort of counter act what you are trying to achieve. The problem with doing this is that you will be lacking in energy. To help with this you could supplement your diet with a low fat protein shake, something like whey protein without carbs. I use the Whey Consortium for this product and get the 80% whey. Good value although it is unflavoured. The extra calories will give you an energy boost and these calories are also very usable to your body for recovery. Eat small meals often. I have a good breakfast of low fat protein and some wholewheat toast, mid morn protein shake and an apple, lunch, lean protein such as tuna, prawns, chicken or turkey on wholewheat bread with salad, mid afternoon, protein shake with black grapes, post workout protein shake, dinner, lean meat with green veg and small amount of complex carbs, before bed protein shake. So in all I have about 7 'meals' a day, but small portions which helps to keep your metabolism going at full tilt. I get about 2000 calories a day from this diet which has allowed me to loose weight gradually and also build muscle. My body fat has dropped from about 25% to 17% in about 6 months, slow but steady progress and weight loss which will stay off!!

As I say, 10kg is a very tall order in this space of time and I would be happy to loose half this amount. But best of luck anyway and keep us posted with your progress.
Surgery: 18/03/08
Plastic surgeon: Alex Karidis
Location: London, UK


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