Author Topic: UPDATE - Surgery Complete! - (w/ Post-Op Pics)  (Read 13065 times)

Offline PhillyPUFF

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My surgery is coming up on July 3rd. I have my pre-op consultation coming up in a few days. Here are some pics of my gyne. Feel free to rate it if you want, though I don't really care for ratings much. I'm going to continue to post pics as it gets closer to D-Day, as well as more photos throughout my healing process.

The last pic is from about a year ago (last may). Thats when I was at my leanest ever. I was still a student and I was able to train twice a day (cardio in the AM, weights in the PM). I did this for about 8 months straight. (when I still had my puffed nips, this is when I realized something wasn't right) I became extremely obsessed with counting calories, and I weighed out all my food. If friends invited me out to eat, I would make up excuses and not go, because I wouldn't eat anything without knowing everything that was in it down to the gram. Mentally, I was extremely unhealthy. I was also very over-trained. My extreme eating habits lead to a 3 or 4 month period of binging and purging. During that period I would binge/purge about 2 or 3 times a week. I would stuff my face with ice cream, cookies, chocolates, etc, etc, etc, and then purge it all up soon after. Very unhealthy (and expensive). The pic is pretty deceiving tho as well. (I know your thinking damn you looked good, you dont have gyne?) Well, my chest fat was down rather significantly, and I pinched my nips to get them nice and the overhead lighting makes me look more ripped than I actually was. Anyway, I know I'm 'fatter' now, but I'm much happier and healthier overall. (although after checking out my recent pics I think Im gonna up my cardio a bit  :P)   Anyway enjoy, and stay tuned...

« Last Edit: July 15, 2008, 09:53:41 AM by PhillyPUFF »

Offline KeepFighting

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Offline Noseguard

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  • You t*t, what's he gonna do nibble your bum?
Your right don't see much there.

Appreciate the very candid assessment of your eating habits.  I was VERY calorie conscious too leading up to my surgery.  Weighed every morsel and studied every label.

For me it did not lead to binge eating, but not tracking (as I have not tracked the last 9 weeks since surgery) has lead to sloppy eating habits.

Good luck. Little surgery and a little cardio you will be ready to take on the world.

Offline PhillyPUFF

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Hi Guys,

I've taken on a lot of side jobs and haven't been on the forum much lately, but with my surgery coming up tomorrow morning, I figured I'd give an update with everything. These last few weeks have been great. Diet/Training is spot on as usual, and I increased my cardio a bit. I probably dropped 5 pounds or so (i dont weigh myself), and I'm definitely looking a little more cut up.

I ordered (2) stage 2 compression garments from, but neither fit. They seem like good products but they just didnt fit me well. I couldnt even get the medium on, and the large was tight in all the wrong places. SO, I went out and bought some sleeveless under armor a few days ago. I wish I would have discovered Under Armor earlier, this shit rocks. I have been able to wear one less layer wearing these compression shirts, and I feel much less self concious with it on. Anyway, that won't matter because my surgery is tomorrow morning (July 3) at 9:30 AM. I ate my last meal of the night about an hour ago, and I can't have any liquids after midnight. I'm definitely looking forward to the surgery. I'm not really nervous at all, just anxious. I know whatever is meant to happen is going to happen. If I'm meant to get perfect results - it will happen. If I'm meant to be left with caved in nips and huge ass scars - it will happen. I'm confident i'll heal well as I dont smoke or drink, I eat very healthy on a daily basis, I workout regularly, I get proper rest, I drink about a gallon of water/day.

I'm also very mentally ready for the surgery. I haven't really thought about my gyne much at all lately. Just been busy with work, making a lot of money lately, and overall pretty happy. This surgery will allow me to take everything to that next level. It's a new start. It's going to be a life changing experience. I've worked hard to get where I am now, and I deserve this surgery for myself. I'm ready.

Anyway, thanks again to everyone on this board for all your support, and teaching me a ton about gyne. I'll post up tomorrow or the next day and let you know how I'm feeling. I won't be able to see my chest until monday when i get my drains out. Oh well. I'm just going to rest up and enjoy my few days off from work. I'll definitely post some post-op pics at some point as well.

Oh, I should also mention I've eaten 25 of my 30 percocet already. ;D I was eating them things like candy when I got them. LOL. Oh well, I think I should be cool with pain. If I'm really in a ton of pain I might ask my surgeon for another script when I go in to get my drains out. I might just say I sprained my ankle a few weeks back and took the percocet for that. All right, talk to you all soon.

Looking forward to: Wearing ONE layer of clothing, Wearing a single WHITE T, NO MORE BAND AIDS, wearing tank tops, going to the beach, going swimming, SEX (lots of that), just that overall boost in confidence.

Offline PhillyPUFF

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That's all she wrote. Surgery is done. Everything went well. I still can't believe I even got the surgery. I remember walking into the OR (which I have to say was kind of intimidating, all the equipments, and overhead lights and 6 or so nurses all working in sync) and last thing I remember is them saying "OK nurse 'so and so' is going to give you a nice little cocktail, here it comes..." Than, what felt like just a few minutes later, I'm laying in recovery all wrapped up and comfortable. My surgery was about 1 1/2 hours (lipo and excision), and I think I was in recovery for two hours or so. The pain hasn't been too bad, I haven't taken any pain meds since I got back. The only thing that is uncomfortable is where the drains ares coming from under my arms, but its not really bad at all. I've been instructed by my doctor to take my ace wrap and chest binder off today so I can check to see if one side of the chest is significantly more swolen than the other, and also to change the gauze underneath. I'm not incredibly anxious to see my results as its only one day post-op, but sure, it will be cool to see my new chest. I'm looking much flatter in my chest binder, so I'm confident everything is looking good. I have to go back to the doc's on monday and get my drains taken out, at which point i'll find out how much fat/gland he took out. The doc called me last night to see how I was doing, and he said everything went really well. That's about it for now. I'll keep you guys updated on my progress. YAY! No more PUFFIES!

Offline KeepFighting

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Congrats man. Happy healing.

Offline PhillyPUFF

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What a relief. I just got my drains out this morning. It didn't hurt that much getting them out. It was a lot quicker than I thought. I no longer need the ace bandage around my compression vest, which allows me to breath a bit easier. I'll continue to wear my compression vest for another week at which point the doctor will decide whether I can switch to my under armor or not. So far the healing is doing good. Not much pain at all, and barely any bruising and very minimal swelling. My chest is looking nice and flat, pretty much no fat, and the nips are small and flat. My chest isn't looking extremely pretty, its flattened out in weird places from the gauze/compression vest, but I'm only 4 days post-op so I'm really not too concerned with its appearance right now. I'm happy with my results so far, and I'm just going to continue to take it easy and allow myself to heal. I'm working from home for the next 3 weeks. I'll keep you guys posted on my progress. Thanks for reading.

Offline PhillyPUFF

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Ahhh. Just took my first shower since the surgery. It felt great. I couldn't lift my arms completely up, but everything went better than I expected. Swelling and bruising are still minimal. Chest is looking good. Its not extremely pretty, but It's still very early in my recovery. I'm very happy with my results so far. Things are getting easier day by day. I'm getting used to wearing the compression vest, as well as all my new 'techniques' for doing everyday sh*t without straining my chest. I'll probably post some new pics in a week or so. Take care for now.

Offline Scamp48

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Ahhh. Just took my first shower since the surgery. It felt great. I couldn't lift my arms completely up, but everything went better than I expected. Swelling and bruising are still minimal. Chest is looking good. Its not extremely pretty, but It's still very early in my recovery. I'm very happy with my results so far. Things are getting easier day by day. I'm getting used to wearing the compression vest, as well as all my new 'techniques' for doing everyday sh*t without straining my chest. I'll probably post some new pics in a week or so. Take care for now.

Glad to hear everything is going well bro, i'm about 3 1/2 weeks post-op and things are still looking like they were pre-op but hopefully it will get better! post some pics when ya can man!

Offline mikeyp87

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Sounds good Philly!

Got any updates for us? Hope everything is going smoothly!

Offline PhillyPUFF

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Hey guys. I'm 11 days post-op and I went in for my second post-op visit today. The doctor said everything is looking great. I didn't have any fluid build up since getting my drains out last week which was good. I still have the scabs at the bottom of my nips which the doc said will fall off eventually. I was able to can my compression vest and I can now wear under armor. My chest is still somewhat 'bumpy' and my left nip is 'creased' but the doc said those are perfectly normal and they'll subside with time. He recommended to lightly massage my chest when I'm in the shower. There hasn't been any significant change in the last 4 or 5 days, other than the fact that I can move around a bit more with less pain. The doc said I can start exercising as early as the end of this week. He said to avoid anything that directly stresses the chest and to just listen to my body. If I start to feel any pain or discomfort in my chest than stop doing that activity. So far I'm very pleased with my results. I've just been taking it easy, eating healthy, and resting as much as possible. I'll try to get some pics up sometime this week.

Offline PhillyPUFF

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12 Days post-op. Here are some pics:

Offline Gyno 44

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man ur nips look like mine my man afte surgeyr,  wait till the scar tissue kicks in, i hope it doesnt though cuz it sucks

Offline PhillyPUFF

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I will not get scar tissue. Mind over matter. lol

Offline Allhopeaside

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scar tissue? hope your not referring to anything under the skin. sounds like gyn all over again



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