Author Topic: Guys I 've finally given up.. see if you can help me  (Read 3509 times)

Offline cybot

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Hi Guys,

Ok Here it is. I have decided to go for liposuction next year. I am writing this to enquire about the gyne that I have. I just want to know why at first place I had gyne. Few facts that I would put up so that you have a valid reasoning to my quest.

1) I was born in december 1987. currently I am 6 feet 4 inches tall weighing approx 85 kg's

2) I got burnt severely when I was 2.5 or 3 yrs old. I was injured severly and the traces of it I still have. I ve got burnt marks on few parts of my body still.

3) None of my parents or my grandparents(both paternal or maternal) had gyne i.e nobody from my family had this problem, its only me that is going through this curse :(

4) I Have extremely poor eyesight. I have spectacles that I ve been wearing for quite sumtimes now. To be precise its my 9th year with specs now. We are a family of 4 none of them have such poor eyesight although they do wear specs. My right eye has -7.5 and left eye has -6.5. (This is another major problem that I am worried of)

5) I don't drug, neither I drink nor do I smoke and I haven't done it even once(no beers nothing), that means I ain't into any sort of bad habbit except for the next one that I am going to describe.

6) I have been masturbating heavily for most of my life. I started it at the age of 10 or 11 and trust me I have been doing it almost 2 times on an average daily(if sum day i dont do it I do it twice the otherday) so to be very very very accurate I have been masturbating 365 times on an average in an year and  the pace hasn't gone and its been a decade. I know this may sound hillarious to some of you and I am sure that some of you are even laughing now, but guys I am feeling guilty I want to get out of this and I want to lead a normal life. I have tried so many times but I have been unsuccessfull in keeping it aside and interestingly I havent been able to reduce the pace either.

The reasons that I have put up six points is because I just want to make sure are these three things related i.e my poor eyesight, excessive masturbation and Gyne. Also I'll tell you I have been thinking over this.. The only time that I realised that my eyesight was becoming poorer and I had a gyne was during my ealry years of masturbation (approx after 1 year I started having trouble with my eye and gyne). Before masturbation I was perfectly alright i.e specsfree and gynefree. I don't know if whatever I wrote makes any sense at all. If it does kindly educate me and also let me know why my eyesight is so poor.

19/03/2010 My Surgery Experience with Dr. Sandip jain =>

Offline cybot

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Offline Hope

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I am NOT a doctor or a specilist in this subject but to my knowledge there is no known reason as to how gyne occurs.

Yes ive heard it could be from streoids and weed abuse but I dont think that these are facts.

I however could be wrong.

If you want facts go see your local doctor mate, im pretty sure that they will know.
*Gyne free thanks to Mr Levick on  April 9th 2009*

Offline cybot

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hey thnx suicidal.. need more replies.. guys.. any docs in here...

Offline cybot

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hey john.. regarding the blackneing of eye.. sumtimes it happens but never has it happened after i have masturbated.. but no discharge sort of thing.... will be able to become a father.. or excessive masturbation will make me impotent :(

Offline cybot

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no john absolutely not at all. I don't have headaches and other stuffs.. and regarding that blackening of eye..basically it feels something like when u see sun for few seconds and then u try to see other object, it feels that way.. but this has happened very few times.. infact very very few.. well another questions to all of you.. asi will find it difficult to deal this masturbation thing with my parents..i will get the hormone test done my self at some pathology.. can anyone atleast tell me.. wat exactly do they do in this hormone test.. i mean blood sample is all that they rquire or some semen as well.... ? thnx in advance...

Offline cybot

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thnx john.. need more views on this topic.. nobody has been able to say anything on my eyes though. i know thast a different forum but still can masturbation be the cause.. I suffer from myopia

Offline cybot

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Oh god I am feeling scary day by day now... :( didnt know masturbating too much would land me in so much trouble... deleted alll the pron last night from my pc.. lolz and have stopped shagging from few days.. but john u feel masturbation cant be th reason for this but as I said in my very first post about the frequency of masturbation and the age of masturbation... still u feel it can't be the reason...i am awaiting ur reply..

Offline nuttynuts

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masturbation? it doesnt make u go blind. im not gona give u any bullshit facts nor am i gona select some random text or sentence from the internet to back my 'theory' up. its simple. it does like nothing physically i dont care what idiot says it does.. its a normal thing. but offcourse it has the whole emotional affects blah blah.. mental and put it this way, if u prefer to masturbate then have sex with a girl when u do.. then u know u need help.

lets be honest here - the breasts could affect ur chances with a girl.. some girls dont care and some do. simple. do u care if a chick has no breasts? i dont. but u might. if a chick has awesome legs and ass im happy :D when u might not even care about that.. its person to person. but if ur feeling down by it, then offcourse its gona affect the way u talk and behave GENERALLY.. girls or not.. anyways if a girl likes you, it could be because of ur flat chest, it could be because of ur massive penis, it could be because u have big arms, it could be because ur atheltic, it could be because ur blonde blue eyes.. could be because ur black and brown hair, could be because ur tanned.. could be because ur rich, could be because ur poor.. could be because ur a chess champion, could be because ur a rebel, could be because ur a nice guy and remind her of her father, could be because ur a nice guy, could be because ur confident, could be becuase ur funny, could be because ur u.. and maybe there is no reason.. and she just likes you..


Offline cybot

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guys I was just wondering if you guys have ever heard about happah theorey. I absolutely have zero knowledge about its existence.. any views on that please.. see guys the reason I am putting these things up is because i feel they might be related.. pls share ur views..thnx to all again...

Offline cybot

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lastlyafter having some replies inhere.. can any of the doctors on this forum put their views.. pls pls pls.. i am so desperate to get views on this topics by some docs.. over the whole matter.. pls pls

Offline AnonNZ

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See this thread and what I wrote. I don't think it can cause much more than a mild hormonal imbalance however. Of course if your hormones are already way off then it would exacerbate things:

Also I'd never heard of Happeh Theory so I read some literature. Everything about it is utterly ridiculous and the inventor is a complete quack. Don't pay ANY attention to that shit.


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