Hi Guys,
Ok Here it is. I have decided to go for liposuction next year. I am writing this to enquire about the gyne that I have. I just want to know why at first place I had gyne. Few facts that I would put up so that you have a valid reasoning to my quest.
1) I was born in december 1987. currently I am 6 feet 4 inches tall weighing approx 85 kg's
2) I got burnt severely when I was 2.5 or 3 yrs old. I was injured severly and the traces of it I still have. I ve got burnt marks on few parts of my body still.
3) None of my parents or my grandparents(both paternal or maternal) had gyne i.e nobody from my family had this problem, its only me that is going through this curse
4) I Have extremely poor eyesight. I have spectacles that I ve been wearing for quite sumtimes now. To be precise its my 9th year with specs now. We are a family of 4 none of them have such poor eyesight although they do wear specs. My right eye has -7.5 and left eye has -6.5. (This is another major problem that I am worried of)
5) I don't drug, neither I drink nor do I smoke and I haven't done it even once(no beers nothing), that means I ain't into any sort of bad habbit except for the next one that I am going to describe.
6) I have been masturbating heavily for most of my life. I started it at the age of 10 or 11 and trust me I have been doing it almost 2 times on an average daily(if sum day i dont do it I do it twice the otherday) so to be very very very accurate I have been masturbating 365 times on an average in an year and the pace hasn't gone and its been a decade. I know this may sound hillarious to some of you and I am sure that some of you are even laughing now, but guys I am feeling guilty I want to get out of this and I want to lead a normal life. I have tried so many times but I have been unsuccessfull in keeping it aside and interestingly I havent been able to reduce the pace either.
The reasons that I have put up six points is because I just want to make sure are these three things related i.e my poor eyesight, excessive masturbation and Gyne. Also I'll tell you I have been thinking over this.. The only time that I realised that my eyesight was becoming poorer and I had a gyne was during my ealry years of masturbation (approx after 1 year I started having trouble with my eye and gyne). Before masturbation I was perfectly alright i.e specsfree and gynefree. I don't know if whatever I wrote makes any sense at all. If it does kindly educate me and also let me know why my eyesight is so poor.