Author Topic: 11 days post op - Dr K  (Read 2063 times)

Offline Henry

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Got a call on day 7 from Dr K just to see how I was getting on. Told him still very painful so he suggested switching to Ibuprofen as a pain killer as it would also help with healing the nerve endings. Next day was way less pain. Could just be coincidence, ofcourse. Over the weekend things have rapidly got better on the pain front. By last night, (night 11) I managed to sleep on my side/front for the first time...and slept straight thru. Fan-bloody-tastic !! No more lieing on my back !!
As of today, have done away with all wound coverings to let them dry out and heal properly. The incisions under the arms are already almost invisible. Still bloody scabs around the nipples but they are only about 5mm long. One of the dark purple bruises has almost gone, but the other two are still there. Yellow bruising almost gone too.
Don't seem to have much or any swelling at all so far.
The right breast, which was the smaller of the two, looks great and if it stays like that, it'll be spot on.
However, the left breast, which was noticeably bigger, is more of a problem, as I guessed it would be. I do notice a distinct ridge across the left breast about 4" above the nipple. Now, when I was 1 day post op, Dr K said that this was just where the dressing had been pressed into the chest. But it's still there at day 11. It looks like this is where the lipo canular didn't go and there's a distinct "drop-off" between the lipo-ed and non-lipoed area. BUT, this is also where the non-elasticated part of the compression vest starts, so it maybe that it is bulging coz it has not been pressed down for the last 11 days. Only time will tell and I'm not panicking about this. It's WAY too early to start criticising what's been done. It maybe massage will blend the two areas in over time, it maybe that a little more lipo will be needed at a later date.  Just something to keep an eye on over the next 6-9 months and something I'll bring up on my 6 week post-op consultation, if it's still there by then.
Otherwise, all looking good.  ;D

Offline john7heaven

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Hey Henry, I hope all goes well for you and I'm glad you're not in so much pain.

When your chest is able to be 'touched' without wincing, are you going to see someone to get a 'massage', or do it yourself.
(If this is possible).

Have you thought of taking a photo of the area that may be less 'sculpted' and emailing it to your surgeon?

I'm afraid I cannot comment any further as I haven't had surgery yet.

Good luck and take care.

Offline Henry

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well i got a letter from Dr K this morning confirming that I'd had 600ml of fat removed. That's ALOT!
I'm now out of the vest during the day. 5 more days of wearing it at night.
The "ridge" by the left arm pit is still there. It does look like the lipo canular simply didn't go far enough up my chest to remove all the fat.
Dr K advises self massage which I'll be starting soon. Maybe that'll help. Probably too soon to tell. It may also be caused by the compression vest...or maybe a combination of the two.
I'll certainly bring it up at the 6 week consultation, if it's still there. And, yeah, I may well contact K before that and email him a picture.
Interstingly I did read of a US surgeon who does this op under twilight aneasthetic so that he can have the patient sitting upright. He reckons he can sculpt the chest area better when gravity is a factor. Harder to tell where all the fat is when you are lieing down.
Good luck with your surgery !


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