Hi Ryan - i can only echo newlife's senitments. I pushed and pushed my GP years ago to get this done on the NHS, and good to his word, he made it happen for me, after a number of discussions and they made me visit a psychiatrist (true!) to make sure this was what i wanted!! Anyway, the result was rubbish. Hardly anything removed and certainly zero gland removed, which meant i really wasn't any further forward.
I contacted Levick after reading all the reviews and my plan was to also meet with Karidis - but like Newlife, once i had met Levick, my fears were put aside, and i felt that i could trust him - so i never went to Dr K in the end.
Just contact a surgeon or a couple of surgeons of your choice and see how you feel. You will get to know if they are right for you very quickly.
good luck.