Author Topic: New here  (Read 2172 times)

Offline Bman41

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I am pretty new here, just started looking around for resources because I have noticed more than I used to, not sure why.  I am 41, overall good health other than weight. 

I am overweight, 290 and I am 5'11", no puffy nipples at all, but breasts are larger than they were a few years ago, enough that when I run they are moving around more than I am comfortable with.  I am married with 4 kids, and not sure how to talk to my wife about it, I think she notices but says nothing and avoids them.   We both are determined to lose weight, I was 8 years in the Army and once I got out gained 90-100 lbs over several years by not having much exercise and not eating right.  I commute 3 hrs a day so have little time to get much in.  I walk a fair amount a day (at least a mile or so), but that is it.  Mine feel similar to hers, just not as large.  But nothing under the nipples at all.  Some pain (dull, nothing more than a 1 or 2 on a 1-10 scale) on the side of my left breast more under my arm.  My mom did just have breast cancer (left) so I am watching more closely, just don't know how to watch like I should. 

Glad to know I am not alone, seen a few pictures that people say are G and I am very similar.  Left side a bit more than the right.  Surgery isn't something I care for, $ being one and 2, after a friend had an elective surgery and almost didn't come out of it, I am VERY hesitant to dare it.

How do I talk to her about it?  Any advice? 

Offline michaelmorey

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try and post some pics, let us know where you're from. there r some fantastic guys and doctors on this site, so you'll get all the support and advice u need.

Offline Bman41

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I found this:

Based on the pinch test there, sounds psuedo, but when I pinch on the skin it is fairly thin on it.  I feel something under, my guess is muscle, pinching much at all gets sore.

Is this reasonably accurate?

    * Perform a thorough examination of the breasts, noting their size and consistency.  Also determine the presence of any nipple discharge or axillary lymphadenopathy.  Left a little larger, but not too bad, I notice, likely no one else. 

    * Differentiate between true gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia/lipomastia. These 2 entities may be distinguished by having the patient lie on his back with his hands behind his head. The examiner then places his thumb on each side of the breast, and slowly brings them together. In true gynecomastia, a ridge of glandular tissue will be felt that is symmetrical to the nipple-areolar complex. With pseudogynecomastia, the fingers won't meet until they reach the nipple.  I think pseudo based on this.  Just had to do standing up, hard to do alone... 

    *  Gynecomastia can be detected when the size of the glandular tissue exceeds 0.5 cm in diameter.  Not sure...

    * Examine the testicles, noting their size and consistency. Carefully look for the presence of nodules or asymmetry.  Haven't checked.

    * Note signs of feminization, including typical body hair distribution and eunuchoid habitus. none that I am aware of.

    * Check for any stigmata of chronic liver disease, thyroid disease, or renal disease.  Don't think so that I am aware of, nothing obvious

Offline headheldhigh01

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most of this, especially considering the fact one's larger than the other at all, says you have it.  don't bother yourself with doubt any more. 

how to talk to her.  tell her you've noticed you've got a little more mass in your chest than normal, you did a little research, you've learned it happens to a fair number of guys, and the name of the condition is gynecomastia.  technically it's benign, but psychologically it can also mess people's lives up and there are support sites for it like this one.  tell her how you actually feel about it yourself. 

do not let your friend's experience keep you from fixing this if it would make you happier.  you have the right to take control of your life in whatever direction.  it can cost $$$, but the payoff in confidence, if done rightly with a board certified ps who knows his stuff, can be worth a lot more.  the effect on depression alone could be a real upside.  some of us besides you it's even cost getting as far as marriage, so think about it. 

the weight loss is good but will not fix real gyne, and you should be prepared for the possibility it will become more apparent as a result rather than less. 

don't worry about the idea of cancer much, it's still improbable, and even less so if you get an op. 

ignore most of those criteria, you don't have to have them all to have it, including the ring under the areola, even if that's true for many or most i bet that's only one symptom, softer cases you might not even notice that.  welcome aboard the boards. 
« Last Edit: October 21, 2008, 01:11:41 AM by headheldhigh01 »
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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a friend had an elective surgery and almost didn't come out of it, I am VERY hesitant to dare it.

The chances of 'not coming out of it' are as slim as getting run down in a pedestrian crosswalk. Would you stop using a crosswalk if you heard about someone getting mowed down in one? Prolly not huh?

People have died in cars, planes, trains, crosswalks, at work, at home.... etc, etc..... ya know what i'm say'n here dude? Are you going to shy away from these also?

There's a joke that goes like this...  There once was a guy who heard that the majority of car crashes occurred within 10 minutes of home. He moved!  ;)  (Just couldn't resist dude...)

Everything in life has some degree of risk. You can't go through life saying 'what if'....  Just do it!

« Last Edit: October 22, 2008, 01:25:15 PM by Grandpa Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Paa_Paw

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HHH and Bambu said it so well that I have nothing to add except to wish you well.

Good Luck!
Grandpa Dan


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