Author Topic: Very confused! About scar tissue and kenalog shots...  (Read 8297 times)

Offline sadgyneguy

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I am almost 1.5years post op... Now it has a scar tissue.. I already went to two doctors for advise about kenalog shots.

Doctor #1 says that my chest will improve when given a kenalog shot.

Doctor #2 says that it kenalog will not help... He said that kenalog is more effective when given on a surgery not older than one year.

Their opinions contradict with each other and I am now very very confused. Can somebody shed light on this? Thanks
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Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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Kenalog will work on any scar tissue, no matter how old it is.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
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Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
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Offline sadgyneguy

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Kenalog will work on any scar tissue, no matter how old it is.

Dr Jacobs

Thank you so much... :) :) :) I will go for it :)

Offline siphon

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ive been reading alot of bad side effects for kenalog shots, indentations, discolorations, depression, sleepelessness, loss of apetite......the list goes on, but how common are these side effects?

is there a specific way this needs to be administered to avoid any side effect?

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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There are some side effects such as indents, discolorations, thinning of the tissues -- all of which are related to possible over-treatment.  Other issues such as sleeplessness, loss of appetite, etc are so rare as to not even be considered.

Just as with the surgery itself, it would be wise to seek a physician or surgeon who is knowledgeable about the use of kenalog injections.  In my hands, kenalog can reduce the last amount of scar tissue that some other surgeons might be tempted to re-operate upon.  But kenalog has to be used judiciously -- and sometimes more than one injection is necessary in order to take the scar tissue down a little at a time.

And sometimes kenalog is not the answer -- surgery would be.  This can only be determined by your surgeon.

Dr Jacobs

Offline siphon

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Offline jimbob29

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Dr E is a great assest to these forums!I recently went to a dermatologist and when I suggested getting kenalog injections for the scar tissue under my nipple he told me that Kenalog shots were not very good at ridding scar tissue in the fat layer and were only really good in the epidermal layer?!This goes against everything I read on here.Whats the Deal?

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Simply put -- the derm was wrong.  Kenalog will work on any scar tissue -- you just have to have the appropriate skills to get it into the tissues you want to treat.

Dr Jacobs

Offline sadgyneguy

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thanks for the reply! I went to my doctor however he injected only on the nipple part... On my lower chest I believe it was a scar tissue however my doctor pinched it and told me that there are no scar tissues in it... My doctor told me that once the scar tissue is pinched, it should hurt... (i am two years post op)

My question is, how do I identify scar tissues?

Offline sadgyneguy

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also, how many days/weeks do I have to wait to see the effects of the kenalog on the scar tissue?


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