First of all, congrats on deciding to do something about it! I had surgery with Dr. Fielding on July 27th and I'm almost 3 weeks post-op right now...I couldn't be happier.
The steps you need to take are as follows:
-- Make an appointment to get assessed by Dr. Fielding. You can do this one of two ways; either contact your own family doctor and have them set it up for you/give you a referral, or contact Dr. Fielding's office directly. I went through my own family doctor so that she would be aware I'm having it done. I think that as long as you have an Ontario health card then you're covered by OHIP for the pre-op appointment, so it's not necessary to see your family doctor first, but I would call Dr. Fielding's office just to make sure. Dr. Fielding's office number is 1-416-766-8890. I'll put his contact info again at the bottom of this post along with his address.
-- Write down a list of questions and concerns you have about the surgery and try to learn everything you can in the meantime about it before going into the pre-op appointment. When you go to see him, he will discuss with you how the surgery is performed and go over the details and risks etc... You can always call back and ask if you have questions after this appointment, but it's better to ask face to face, in my opinion. During your appointment, he will quote a price for your operation that will be somewhere around $2,000 - a small price to pay if you ask me. You will then speak with his secretary before leaving and set up a date for the surgery. Don't be alarmed if it's more than a month or even two months away. It depends entirely upon how busy he is.
-- Start making arrangements for your trip to Toronto!
Now to go over a few things.
OHIP covers any Ontario resident for the gland excision. It doesn't matter what age you are, as long as you live in Ontario - so yes you will be covered. The price you're paying is for the liposuction only, which is not covered by OHIP due to the nature of the procedure. That is to say, the liposuction is considered "aesthetic" and not a medical requirement.
You can pay the fees any time, as long as you pay them at least 5 days before the surgery.
Due to the fact that you don't live in Toronto, they will ask you to stay overnight in the hospital after your surgery. This is pretty standard, and they take very, very good care of you while you're there. The procedure is performed at St. Joseph's Health Centre - the best hospital in Toronto - and this is also where you will be staying overnight.
If you have any other questions, go ahead and post them. I'll check back over the next couple days.
Dr. Fielding
Phone: 1-416-766-8890
Address: 2425 Bloor st. West
Suite: 401