Author Topic: Had Surgery with dr jacobs 12/8  (Read 4527 times)

Offline thirsty

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Greetings all. I've been a long time lurker of the sight and figured I would man up and introduce myself. Typical story, was way overweight as a teen (309lbs @ 15) but dropped down to 185 in a years time and stood 6'04. I've been in great shape since except for the man boobs. So, here I am now 35 years old and absolutely fed up. I won't bother getting into the drama over the lost summers at the beach, wearing loose or dark shirts, yada yada. We all know the story. I finally grew a set and decided to make a change, hopefully for the best. I made an appt with Dr Jacobs and went for my consultation. Great place, very freindly crew And the doc himself was fantastic. Great personality,bedside manner but yet very compassionate to our battle. Unfortunately, due to my skin having lost it's elasticity, I will require a little more work than usual to get the results I want. Some extra skin will have to go. I'm scared sh&tless to say the least, but was assured I will be just fine. Go big or go home, right? This is a one shot deal as far as I'm concerned and Dr Jacobs is quite confident that the procedure will turn out just fine. He did however explain that there will be some scarring to deal with, but I'll take that anyday over this. My procedure is set for 12/8, less that 1 week from today. Stay tuned as my count down begins.

Offline zane949

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Congrats brother, you'll be fine man it'll all be over and done with before you know it

Offline thirsty

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Im just looking forward, very excited. I almost cant believe Im getting this taken care of. I figured this was just the right time to treat myself. Ive taken care of everything else in my life up to now. I dont want to look bag when Im 70 and regret not doing this.

Offline kuik

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Best of Luck and wish you a speed recovery man,
keep us updated,

Offline mizuno

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Yeah best of luck and keep us updated as Dr. Jacobs is one of the top PS and on most people's list for
surgeon selection.

Offline thirsty

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Well, I finally had my sugery yesterday!! I cant believe its done.
My appt was for 11:30am and I arrived early (parking, some left over paperwork I forgot to complete, sorry Jen). I am in no way macho, trust me, I hate visits to the dentist, but I did not feel the slightest bit nervous. I guess after 25+ years with gyno, I was finally ready for a change.

I went into a exam room and changed into a backless gown (wearing my boxer underneath) then put on some tan socks. I then met with the anesthesiologist, who explained what he would be doing and what to expect from the anesthesia. He left the room and about 5 minutes later, Dr.Jacobs came in. He  took some pictures, drew on my chest with a marker and explained what all of the marks meant.

Unfortunately, due to me being over weight as a teen, alot of my skin's elastcity went away. This meant that I would not have the greatest results just from lipo and glanduar removal, I would also need to have the excess skin excised as well. I knew this going in to the procedure though, so I had plenty of time to prepare.

I asked whatever questions I had on my mind then was walked into the operating room. I layed down on the table, bullshitted with the nurse and the anesthesiologist for what felt like 5 minutes, then........ lights out. Next thing I remember, I was talking to the nurse who was putting on my compresion vest.

I did feel a little sleepy, but still could not believe the procedure was done! I hung out in the recovery room, my wife came in and shortly after I met with the Doc again. He gave some last minute instructions and I left for home.

I am now 24 hrs post op. I have not touched any of the Tylenol with codein prescribed. I have plenty of relief with Tylenol 500 mg capsules every few hours. My biggest complaint is this damn vest! LOL. It is tight under the armpits and where it meets your stomach. Other than that, I just feel sore.
I have a check up with the Doc Friday morning.

Actually, my biggest complaint is not having anything to eat past 12:00 am the morning of the procedure. I am a grumpy bear without my coffee.

Overall, this was sooooooooo much easier than I ever expected. I can not commend Dr Jacobs and his staff enough. They were extremely patient, courteous and professional and made this life changing procedure more than bearable.

Now, its recovery time. Lets see what awaits and I will keep everyone posted.


Offline steelhead

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Yeah keep us posted and post some pics when you get a change.

Offline kuik

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that sounds really good,
plz keep us posted and preferable with some pics,  i am very much like your case, bcoz i was 280lb and now i am 244lb and will do the Op whenever i am 220 to 200 lb , but i my main problem is not losing weight but having loosen skin, i have sever gyno case bcoz of obesity and still duno what shall I do about this issue???

Wish u speed recovery and get well soon,

Offline thirsty

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Kuik my man, I have literally tried everything up to this point. I kept the weight off since I was 15 (100 lbs mind you) I have worked out 6 days a week, ran god knows how many miles and completed 2 police academy's in which I have probably done thousands and thousands of push ups just for breathing the wrong way. Nothing was going to get rid of this problem except for surgery.

I am willing to admit that I almost sabotaged my weight loss and good health by almost giving up completely and going back to my poor eating habits and letting my body go. Screw that. I worked hard for every pound I lost but my gyno was going nowhere. Granted, the weight loss made my case smaller, but I'm 6'04 and went down to 185 lbs. I was so thin I did not look or feel healthy.

If you have had a consultation with a PS and they confirmed that you have Geno and your last option was the procedure plus skin excision, get it done. Move on brother. I think you would regret not doing it every warm day when you could be wearing a nice, form fitting shirt intstead of 3 shirts or a jacket.  Been there, done that.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2009, 03:08:31 AM by thirsty »

Offline kuik

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thirsty,   thanks man for ur reply and I am 100 percent sure I need surgery and I am willing to do it, but I am positive that being overweight adds to the problem, so my goal is to have my ideal weight which I will reach in 4 to 6 months “ I am taking my own sweet time losing weight:)” and then do the surgery. I worked hard for every pound I lost just like you, I do Cardio 6 days a week , workout 3 days a week and I have been eating right for more than 3 years!!

I am kinda okay with $5000 to $7000 but I am almost sure that I’ll need much more money for my surgery since I have really big manboobs!!!

Glad that you are done with chapter of your life and enjoy the new you.


Offline tapingthemdown

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Way to go Thirsty!  I have a surgery date with Dr Jacobs next week. Glad to hear everything went well..I cant wait to finally be able to stop "tapingthemdown".  Have you been able to remove and apply your vest by yourself with relative ease?  Its been a few days...Have U seen your results? 

Offline thirsty

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Tapingthemdown, don't sweat anything. You picked the right guy by going with Dr Jacobs. Yes, I have seen my results and it was quite emotional. Not to brag, but it looks better than I thought. Don't forget, I had to get some excess skin removed on top of the gland and lipo removal. The vest is a PITA though. I have taken it on and put it off to change the bandages daily and after showers.    It is the worst part of this whole procedure, but it is also very necessary for the healing process.  I will post some pics a little further down the road, once I am comfortable with myself first. Good luck next week and feel free to pm me any questions you have.

Not to get personal, but what procedure are you having done?

Offline tapingthemdown

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I'm having gynecomastia surgery also... liposuction+poss. gland excision.  I was excited before, but after reading your post i'm even more excited to get this procedure done. It's been 20+ rough years and I owe it to myself to rid myself of this baggage.

Hope your healing goes well

I just opened a thread myself in the Surgery Preparation thread with my before pics.


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