Author Topic: The average healing time after surgery?  (Read 5082 times)

Offline jakeyboy08

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What is the average healing time?
I realise its diffrent for diffrent people but whats the average?

Im 20, Slim, Small Gyno, only a tiny bit of fat mostly gland if this helps.


Offline thetodd

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healing to what extent? youl be mobile a few days in. Swelling will kick in a few days in took mine a fair few months to go down. was pretty paintfull to the touch till about month 4. I'm nearly a year post and still not recovered fully still have scar tissue

Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline postiey

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hey thetodd how long do u think it would be untill i could drive? or go back to a driving job(postman) with no heaveY liftin just driving? a bit of waking tho


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What is the average healing time?
I realise its diffrent for diffrent people but whats the average?

Im 20, Slim, Small Gyno, only a tiny bit of fat mostly gland if this helps.

Recovery and Healing After Gynecomastia Surgery depends on the problem to be treated, how much injury a surgeon creates with his / her technique, after surgery care, and many other factors. That is why your questions are best directed to your doctor. Not all surgeons offer the same methods.

healing to what extent? youl be mobile a few days in. Swelling will kick in a few days in took mine a fair few months to go down. was pretty paintfull to the touch till about month 4. I'm nearly a year post and still not recovered fully still have scar tissue

Swelling After Gynecomastia does not need to increase after surgery. It all depends on the surgeon's technique, after surgery care, and the right well fitted After Surgery Compression Garment. For my patients typical peak swelling is in the operating room. You can verify that by looking at the many examples on my website showing the early progression of healing and decrease in the minimal swelling they start with.

The more damage a surgeon's technique makes, the longer the healing process. Injured nerves in particular can take long to recover. Decreasing my patients Pain After Gynecomastia Surgery is something I have worked on for many years to achieve what I now offer. That is one major factor why I avoid the various ultrasonic, vasor, laser, sharp cutting cannula and other tissue damaging techniques.

hey thetodd how long do u think it would be untill i could drive? or go back to a driving job(postman) with no heaveY liftin just driving? a bit of waking tho

My patients are up and walking around the day of the operation. Many of my patients are driving long distances the day after surgery. Ability to drive requires a patient to be comfortable, not taking strong pain medications, and ability to operate the mechanical components of the vehicle. My truck drivers that have to use a great deal of pectoral muscle strength to turn the wheel or other mechanical issues, need to wait until their tissues are better healed.  My truck drivers with power steering right back with their jobs.

However, your questions are best directed to your surgeon.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline thetodd

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I used to work a heavy lifting job, and i went back after three weeks. Could of after two it was uncomfortable but im unsure about postie job because your going to have the strap over your chest partially. Maybe wearing an underarmour vest (not a surgery type one) would help you out. I dont know about the swelling doc i was told to only wear the vest for 7 days which is what i done ... perhaps extended use of the vest is beneficial to the swelling i was told it wasnt neeeded after day7 maybe try using it for a big longer

Offline postiey

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thanks thetodd a great help mate! i think i will try and wear the vest for longer than the seven day even tho ive heard they are a pain lol

cheers postiey

Offline dave2009

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I'm 4 and a half weeks post (lipo and excision) and have only just gone back to work.

It took and still is, taking MUCH longer than I anticipated.

My stitches still haven't disolved fully and my range of arm movements is still limited, I could not imagine doing a job lifting anything at all. Have a lump of scar tissue. I would say to anyone that people who say you'll be back at work within a week are either superman or stupid!

That said, I am glad I had it done for a flatter chest!

Hope that helps mate.

Offline postiey

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cheers dave i was hoping to have two weeks to recover now things havent gone to plan!!

Offline dave2009

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no probs mate, i too thought i'd be back in the swing of things within a week to two, but no way!

don't take my word for it though, every one is different.

my original op' was on jan 4th but got cancelled, i was so confident i'd be back to normal i had booked a weekend in brighton and a whole week of stuff in london, just really glad it was cancelled then as would have had to cancel the lot! it went ahead on feb 6th.

personally, i would allow yourself at least 3 weeks.

hope that helps, kind regards.

Offline postiey

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ok thanks mate! i guess it depends alot on how big the case is and everyone heals different we will see. have u got any pics, who did ur surgery?

Offline dave2009

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hi postiey!

was on nhs matey, i will put some more pics up soon!

just pm me if i can be of any help as this site has given me so much.

kind regards.

Offline tomo25mcr

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im 3 and a half months post op. Looks much better than before the op. Still got puffy nipples tho  >:( , nipples are still numb and feel a bit weird when touched. Im not worried about the scars as they fade over time anyway but i would really like the puffyness to go.

Offline elitdogg

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its been 3 and a half for me also got it done on march 29th actually lol i still have puffy nips so when i wear a beater it is def seen. feels like scar tissue under the nipple not sure if thats normal or not but i was also wondering about some stuff.

it wasnt swollen then swelled up could it be from the heat?? humidity??

anything i can do besides wait it out? cause i was thinking it was coming back but doc said he removed all tissue so it couldnt come back.


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