Author Topic: weight training worsens gynecomastia?  (Read 19713 times)

Offline SRK

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i read in one of the posts here tht due to weight training muscles build up inthe chest area n they push the fat forward n hence increases it far as i knew wht tht due to weight trainin either the fat is converted to muscles as it dissolves or the fat just hardens. I never knew tht weight trainin specially for the chest will worsen the case.
guyz help coz its been a week since i have again started doin weights n i do want to worsen my situation.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2005, 09:31:51 PM by rahulkumar »
a man walkin with gyno is a man walkin with a heart of steel

Offline brooknam10

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of course its gonna LOOK worst.. if you got alot of extra weight you just look fat, if your cut up u just look abnormal. it wouldnt make it bigger

Offline mustang26

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I think that is one of the biggest misconceptions on this board.  If your situation is 100% glandular, then yes, a muscular chest MAY push out the gyno. HOwever, if there is even a little fat there, working out will be a great help.
My gyno situation always looks significantly better when going to the gym and dieting.
Hope this helps.

Offline SRK

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I think that is one of the biggest misconceptions on this board.  If your situation is 100% glandular, then yes, a muscular chest MAY push out the gyno. HOwever, if there is even a little fat there, working out will be a great help.
My gyno situation always looks significantly better when going to the gym and dieting.
Hope this helps.

thnx mustang
ur information does help but how do i know if i have fat in my chest or only gland. is there any specific way thru which i can find out

Offline Pferdestärken

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Everyone is different. "Gyne" can be glandular or "psuedo" - i.e. fat - and any mix of the two. Working out can improve the pseudo, but won't touch the glandular. If you have any degree of "real" gyne it can be emphasised by reducing bodyfat, in that it will sit on top of your increased muscle mass.

It really does depend on the individual. Many people find that the gyne is so obvious when "buffed" that letting the bodyfat disguise the gyne is preferable - they'd rather be seen as just another chubby than some weirdo intersex freak. No offense meant here - I was in that position and thats exactly how I felt.

But I did build up a fair amount of muscle, and for the most part when clothed people would just seem me as a big dude. Having clocked the muscles they certainly might be less inclined to say "hey, you've got boobs" - so on that basis some serious gym work can help you get by! But when the chips are down and the shirt comes off, there ain't no place left to hide.

And here's the real pisser if you've spent hard gym time building muscle naturally ('cos we know where 'roids take you and don't want to get any more of that thanx!) ... as soon as people spot the gyne they assume you're juiced and that's why you have the gyne. Any kudos and respect you had as a hard training gym rat out of the window.

OK, so back to the original post. there are some misconceptions there. Fat won't convert to muscle; if you're lucky and it hasn't been there long it can turn to energy, but thats it. (The inverse is also true, muscle can't turn to fat, as many suggest.) Gland and fat sit on top of muscles (you also have fat through the muscle - think marbled steak - and behind too, but mostly on top); the gland is generally surrounded by, and sat into, the fat. This is why simple glandular incision will leave a crater - the surrounding fat remains, with a hole where the gland was. This is also why "real" gyne looks worse when bodyfat reduces - the fat it's embedded in melts away leaving more of the gland visible. Lipo can help with that, and some surgeons might also redistribute the fat rather than just remove it.

Think of the gland as an iceberg, and bodyfat as the ocean. Most of the iceberg is under sea level, and not normally visible. Drain the ocean (come on, work with me!) and the iceberg will sit on the dry seabed - and look a hell of a lot bigger. Until it melts of course, but that won't happen with the gyne unfortunately!  ;)

So ... bottom line, working out gets you healthier, so go for it. If fat loss is your aim working the chest will not cause localised fat loss. Fat will go from wherever it was last deposited first generally, and from where it was first deposited last (the stubborn bits!).

If your gyne is mostly "pseudo", i.e. you're just a bit chubby, then this could be all that you need to get the bod of your dreams. Just be aware that generally where there is real gyne its likely that the fat there will be the last to go as it was probably the first to be deposited - gland tends to attract fat deposits as it develops.

But if, as you melt that fat away, your gyne starts to look more obvious then you know you have the real deal, full on glandular gyne, and you have three choices:
    * Get chubby again to hide it
    * Embrace it and to f**k with what anyone thinks or says
    * Get it removed.

Just be aware that once you get there you can train like a demon possessed but it won't change the gyne - that is NOT a fourth option. Ever seen a pro bodybuilder ripped to competition condition with 'roid induced gyne? Think they could have trained and dieted a bit harder, the pussies? No, me neither. Yet despite this I listened to the counsel of ignorance and went down that route for a decade.

Before anyone starts (rob)  - I AM NOT RECOMMENDING ANYTHING! Just laying out the facts for you to make up your own mind. Information is power. You'll never know how much I wish someone had given me this information when I was younger. I really, sincerely, hope that this will help someone.

Good luck, and be happy.
Pics | Op 3/6/05 Mr Paul Levick

Offline Pferdestärken

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thnx mustang
ur information does help but how do i know if i have fat in my chest or only gland. is there any specific way thru which i can find out
Yes, do the pinch test, or go see a physician who knows about gyne and get them to do it.


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i read in one of the posts here tht due to weight training muscles build up inthe chest area n they push the fat forward n hence increases it far as i knew wht tht due to weight trainin either the fat is converted to muscles as it dissolves or the fat just hardens. I never knew tht weight trainin specially for the chest will worsen the case.
guyz help coz its been a week since i have again started doin weights n i do want to worsen my situation.

I take care of many bodybuilders and almost universally they tell me that buiding muscle tends to push gland / fat further out.  It does not take much extra tissue to really interfere with the cut look of a body builder.  Some body builders have large glands causing a pointed contour.  After surgery, increased muscle mass no longer has that extra tissue to distort the male contour.  Better surgery leaves the chest looking good at rest and in animation as in playing sports, flexing, and general motion of the beautiful body.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline hollyshit

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will gyno continue to get worse and is surgery the only means for removal of minor gyno. I have a friend who has brutal scars on his nipple area from surgery of gyno. I think he would have been much better off

1. Saving the Money of surgery
2. The pain and suffering of surgery
3. Having ugly scars on his nipples

His gyno was hardly noticable and now his chest looks much worse.

He is very very upset that he did the surgery.

Is there any none scaring method or limited scaring methods for removal.


Offline doddy

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Just to counter Graham's point.

I did not have a serious case. My nipples stuck through a normal fitting t-shirt and were generally just quite pointy. It embarrassed me. I had the op. I now have a flat chest.


Offline SRK

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its all luck man.....if ur lucky u have a good sugery n of ur arent then things go wrng.....i suggest surgry only if ur day to day living has been hampered by ur gyno...but if u wana have surgery just for the sake tht u look cosmetically more good then i wud'nt recomend my case i wana have surgery coz my gyno is bad n moreover i feel tht after the suregry i can really achieve lot of things as i have got the requiered smartness and talent. I would be able to take initiatives wch now my gyno doesnt allow me to take

Offline doddy

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Don't be so stupid, it's not "all luck". That makes it sound exactly like some sort of lottery over which we have no control over. We have the control of picking a very good surgeon, having realistic expectations (particularly in the first few months of recovery) and carrying out the doctor's orders both pre and post op.

I have "smartness and talent" myself (I promise), I also had ugly pointy nipples. They had to go. Glad they did.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2005, 01:40:57 AM by doddy »


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will gyno continue to get worse and is surgery the only means for removal of minor gyno. I have a friend who has brutal scars on his nipple area from surgery of gyno. I think he would have been much better off

1. Saving the Money of surgery
2. The pain and suffering of surgery
3. Having ugly scars on his nipples

His gyno was hardly noticable and now his chest looks much worse.

He is very very upset that he did the surgery.

Is there any none scaring method or limited scaring methods for removal.


Male chest contouring surgery is typically better for patients with stable gynecomastia.  Surgery does not prevent further breast growth.

Although I target gland first, shreads of gland remain with any technique.  For some techniques there is a great deal of gland left behind.  This remaining gland can regrow with stimulation.  

Here is one such case with growth after surgery.

Men tend to put gained weight on their belly and breasts as seen in these Sumo Wrestlers.  Gynecomastia surgery does not prevent weight from being readded to the chest.  There was an example here in this forum of one such case, but the pictures no longer are active on those links.

Comfort after Gynecomastia Surgery depends on the problem to be solved, skill of your surgeon, techniques used, and other factors.  Although we prescribe pain medication, my patients are typically taking  Tylenol after surgery.

Scars also depend on many factors, you can browse a gallery of typical scars for my patients starting here.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture


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