Author Topic: Is it Or Is It Not?  (Read 1546 times)

Offline bastard08

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Hey to all of you guys!
I really have a problem when it comes to my chest!
I am 18 years old and i obviously think something is not wright with me!
All of my friends have flat chests, but mine looks really different!
Here are some photos of me:

So please tell me if it is just me or this is gyno! and if it is, what is the best solution that could solve it?

Thanks and sorry for my bad English!

Offline lboogie

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To start your English is fine, I really didn't have a problem reading your post.  Now I do see that your nipples are a bit puffy and there is some fat behind them.  Do you work out at all?  If try working out a bit and doing some chest exercise before you really get bent outta shape.  Other then your nipples your chest looks fine to me.  Maybe take some pictures sideways a big father away if you can.


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