Thankyou all for your comments i really appreciate them!
I especially appreciate and was hoping you'd comment Dr.Bermant:)
Ive been checking your website out recently and its sooo informative !
I will not go to my original doctor again for surgery he performed my first surgery december 2008 then he was supposed to do a revisionary surgery october 2009 except after i was put under he only performed liposuction ?! Then in February 2010 under local anesthetic he took more of the gland out apparently..
Im actually really scared to have surgery with him again.. he doesn't seem to be sure of the whole procdure to me when im having my consult with him and he doesn't seem like a professional.. i was 18 when i first had surgery and i trusted my gps opinion.. my gynecomastia was mild and i thought an easy fix.. now i know very different that it would take a skilled artist/professional to satisfy me with the procedure ( i find theres not many for this type of plastic surgery)
Doe this seem fixable Dr.Bermant ? It wouldnt be crater deforminty would it ? I just seems like he left too much of the gland
I feel worse with my chest now because before the gland wasnt so noticable my chest was just bigger now it almost like i can grab the gland when i touch my chest