Author Topic: Is there a surgery for pseudo gyne?  (Read 5201 times)

Offline zado611

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I don't know whether i have pseudo gyne or gyne but if i have pseudo is there a surgery for that the reason i think i have pseudo is b/c i am a lil overweight so that may be causing the man boobs.. however when i was younger around 14(now 17) i got real bad sick and lost 40 pounds but lost none in my chest

Offline zado611

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here is a picture :(.. it has caused me serious depression and social awarkness i've had them since i was 9 or 10.. I feel like the joy of life has been sucked out of me too long.. would surgery help this?

Offline zado611

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some added information i left out.. sometimes my nipples do burn? is this significant w/ gyno?

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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    • Gynecomastia Surgery
You are significantly overweight.  Any surgery on your chest would merely result in smaller breasts -- it is impossible to give you a defined and contoured chest without your losing significant amounts of weight as well.

As for gyne vs pseudo-gyne, I never make that distinction -- ALL men have some amount of breast tissue present.  In my opinion, you have both fat and breast tissue on your chest.

The best course of action would be to lose a lot of weight and then consult a plastic surgeon who is interested and well experienced in gyne surgery.

Dr Jacobs

« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 10:40:07 AM by Dr. Elliot Jacobs »
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c


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I don't know whether i have pseudo gyne or gyne but if i have pseudo is there a surgery for that the reason i think i have pseudo is b/c i am a lil overweight so that may be causing the man boobs.. however when i was younger around 14(now 17) i got real bad sick and lost 40 pounds but lost none in my chest

Pseudogynecomastia is a bad term that is supposed to be fat only gynecomastia. The problem with that "classification" is that in almost every case of gynecomastia I have seen there is some component of gland.  This gland can be very small, but it is present almost all the time.  So do you have Pseudo gynecomastia when there is a 1%, 10%, 50%, or 90% deformity from fat?  Reality just does not work that way.

Weight loss is the first place to start for making oneself feel better about one's body. Weight loss is a coarse tool, you cannot pick where the fat goes on, nor where it comes off. Male Body Fat Distribution tends to put fat on first on the belly and chest bands and takes it off those regions last. Early surgery is a bad gamble before weight loss. If you have early surgery, and then lose weight, and if the weight comes off in a male pattern, it may look like the gynecomastia has recurred. That is why as a surgical sculptor I prefer to use a coarse tool first and reserve the plastic surgery for refinement. Early before weight loss compromise surgery can never make an obese person not look obese. They are still cursed with global fat and breasts, just breasts of a smaller size.

For my patients I recommend that they get to a weight / body fat that they are comfortable with, let the skin compensate as much as it can, then consider surgery. During this weight loss No Surgery Body Shaping Garments are a fantastic tool as a temporizing contour measure that many of patients, even those living in hot environments, use to put off the stress of body contour issues while they stabilize a problem or lose weight.

There is no magic trick to get the weight off. It is usually a combination of dieting, exercise, and hard work. But being patient can produce a better final result.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia

Offline zado611

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but it should be interesting trying to lose weight considering i cant exercise due to 4 slipped disc in my back.. and ive always been involved in baseball, football, and basketball and always been slighty big so ive tried just doesnt seem to come off :/

Offline zado611

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and believe me i wish i could afford one of those 100 dollar garment because of the tri top i got from underworks does nothing to hide my boobs.. but ill make a deal dr. if u could buy me one and send it to me that would be a blessing and i would lose the weight recommended by u.. pretty fair trade hahahahaha

Offline zado611

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Well found me a surgeon in the ATL that will operate on overweight men thank God his name is Dr. Jeffords


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Well found me a surgeon in the ATL that will operate on overweight men thank God

It is not a question if a doctor will operate, it is what the results will look like. Operating on overweight patients is compromise surgery. Check out before and after photographs to see results of surgery before weight loss. If such results are acceptable, then such surgery can be considered.  But the risks and issues should be clearly defined ahead of time by the surgeon recommending that option.

Plastic Surgery is not an alternative to losing weight. The next question is what would happen after subsequent weight loss? Revision surgery to recontour the body after weight loss is an extra expense. You were complaining about the costs of the garment.  That would be trivial in comparison to multiple operations.

As a surgical sculptor, I prefer using the coarse tool first, then the one of refinement. In this case the coarse tool is the Weight Loss Before Gynecomastia Surgery. The refinement then is the surgery. This is superior to paying for surgery, losing weight, paying again for surgery. Going into such situations fully informed is key. For some, they have no intentions of losing weight.

Good luck on your plan.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline zado611

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Yea and while im losing it and waiting on surgery ill just continue in deep depression.. its getting bad but maybe it wont get to bad :/.. on the edge of a complete breakdown


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Yea and while im losing it and waiting on surgery ill just continue in deep depression.. its getting bad but maybe it wont get to bad :/.. on the edge of a complete breakdown

That is why I developed the concept and demonstration of Body Shaping Garments as an emotional band-aid for a temporizing measure so patients could feel less pressure about jumping into surgery too soon. Yes, they are expensive, but the cheaper stuff just does not work well. We have tried many without benefit. Patients coming to our office are given the opportunity to try the garment on to see the effect. Watching the expressions on their face as the body transforms is quite remarkable.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline zado611

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hey doctor im sorry for being kinda rude for not paying attention to your advice.. i was just in an uproar of emotions.. i apologize.. I plan on trying to lose some weight and maybe get one of those contouring body shapers that you talked about.. thanks for the advice... once again sorry

Offline zado611

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also doctor do you have any pictures of big guys in the garment?.. i saw one on the website but do u have anymore maybe i could see?


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