Author Topic: tell me about your surgery  (Read 3071 times)

Offline xgi

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Well 25th of this month I go under the knife for my gyne with a Dr Kane from petoskey Michigan. Anybody ever went through him?? My wife had a bout with breast cancer and had he left breast removed and Dr kane did a wonderful job on her.

I love to workout and do cardio and weight training but that might have to stop for a while. What kind of resrictions did you have?? I know sleeping on your back is one and I have tried in the past it just don't happen

The nurse told me 10-12 days healing time does this sound about right? Man I'm really getting pumped for this :o but hopefully I can still do my cardio while healing. I don't think lifting weights will be a good idea for a while but just wondering about any other resrictions I'll have.

Did you have those draining tubes in you as well??

Thanks and what a great site. God bless you all.....m :)
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Offline Spleen

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Back in the gym in 10 days, no drains and absolutely invisible scars.  My case was confined to just puffy nips.  Great results.  Best of luck to you.

Offline xgi

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Thanks spleen Sure don't want to spend any time away from working out that I need to. I get a guilty feeling when I even miss a day ;D  Thanks........m :)

Offline Tiverty_A

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xgi can you give me tips on working out i need to loose weight and i just cant seem to stay motivated enough to do so i would apricate it (others can give me pointers too) 8)
I have gyne that is caused by Fat not the gland, but it is still hard with my life.

Offline xgi

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I used the atkins diet to get me started. The I just got moving first by walking. You can walk at malls schools or around your neighborhood. My workouts are cardio four days and weights three days. I work my abs every other day.. I do a hour of cardio with my treadmill or my eliptical. Before you start any program check with your doc to make sure everything is ok. Here are a few things I do as well.

Nothing to eat after six. If you have to try water cause a lot of times it will fill you up. If you have to munch grab a apple or some veggies.

Get moving as well Instead of driving to a place if you can walk do it. Try getting a buddy or your wife to go with you. I walk my dog 4 miles in the evening.

Drink water lots of it. I don't drink any booze either. Green tea seems to get my metaboloisn going. If you can make sun tea and add some splenda and lemon.

Join a gym if you have one there always someone in there to help you as well. I hit an aerobic class during the winter and next month I'm trying yoga as well.

One thing I do is keep an old fat picture of me next to my workout area. I also have my old belt hanging where I see it every morning so I remember how fat I use to be.

Main thing is you have to remember you didn't put the weight on overnight and you can't take it off overnight as well. You're going to hit walls where you feel like you can't go on but things do work out believe me. I was 322 and today I weighed at 188.

I can tire my grandkids out now ;D Good luck and get yourself moving. I figure like Tim Robbins said in shawshank. " get busy living or get busy dieing"

If I can help you out email me at or PM me.......m :) ;)

Offline a-man

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xgi that is incredibly impressive...

I am always amazed when I see people on these prime time talk shows who are praised like gods for having lost like 50 pounds... big deal

people here on this board seem to be experts at losing weight


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