Author Topic: Is this gyno?  (Read 1837 times)

Offline Lanstan

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Does this look like gyno to you? I'm currently doing a pre-contest diet and I'm just wondering if once I lose the fat under my nipples it will be gyno?


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Does this look like gyno to you? I'm currently doing a pre-contest diet and I'm just wondering if once I lose the fat under my nipples it will be gyno?

One image is not enough to document a chest contour. Please consider using my Standard Gynecomastia Pictures if you want others to better understand your concerns. From what you have shown, you look like another case of asymmetrical gynecomastia early puffy nipple gyno just like a developing female breast. Yes, we use the term breast for the structure on the chest of a female as it grows, so is this contour gynecomastia (female breast on a male chest). I have published resources on the Anatomy of Gynecomastia which will consist of fat, gland, and skin. As weight is lost, the fat component can be reduced. The problem is that we cannot pick where the fat comes from. As fat over the body diminishes, residual gland can become more obvious.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, M.D.

Offline Lanstan

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I have a feeling it may be pseudogynecomastia as there isnt a hard lump, I'll be going to my doctor once I'm lean


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I have a feeling it may be pseudogynecomastia as there isnt a hard lump, I'll be going to my doctor once I'm lean

Although gland tends to be firm and fat soft, gland can be soft and fat firm. Check out this forum for my much more through explanation why the term Pseudogynecomastia is a poor term.

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Select oldest topics first to see when I began my campaign on public education about the misleading relatively new term Pseudogynecomastia. It is rewarding that others have picked up and post on these important points:

  • Pseudogynecomastia is a poor word
  • Exam of the Male Chest Does not Determine Gland or Fat Components
  • Anatomy of Gynecomastia

Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery but it is interesting when my old posts and public education campaigns just get copied or repackaged and used without credit. Oh well...

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, M.D.


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