Author Topic: Post Operation Question  (Read 1319 times)

Offline PostOakGuy

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I had the Gyno Surgery three and a half weeks ago.  The first week was pretty painful and I needed to take my pain medication for a full week and a half.  I went back to the doctor one week after surgery and he said everything looks great.  At my doctor's office, I was still extremely sore and both nipples had fluid on them.  Fast forward until today, I'm close to four weeks post op.. I'm definitely better but I don't see myself going to the gym anytime soon.  I still have some loose skin around the nipple area on both sides.  It's so much better than it was though.. My question I guess is this then..  My doctor told me that everything was great and he wants me to go back to see him in two weeks.  But when I read about gyno surgery, I always read about how minor the surgery is and how easy you get back to the gym.  Is this normal?  Am I just stressing for nothing?  I just thought recovery would be shorter.  I live in Houston where it's hot and this compression bandage does not help matters. I assumed I would be good after a month.

Offline Pooz

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If you read this forum at all and see what the experienced plastic surgeons have to say here, it's not a simple surgery at all and many things can possibly go wrong.
Do some searches on the forum and you can get information on the recovery time needed before working out.

Offline morpheus11

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I hear you man, summers in texas are rough.  I'm in Austin and plan on getting surgery in July. I'm still shopping around for a surgeon, would you recommend yours?

Regarding recovery, I hear it differs for everyone.  Some people recover fast, and others slow.  I would suggest you just take it easy, the recovery will come, and your chest will look great.  Meanwhile, why not try focusing on eating healthy so you don't gain weight.  Cut back on those carbs, and load up on veggies, fresh fruit and lean meat.  Something along the lines of The Zone diet or Primal Blueprint diet.  If you can't work out, don't gain weight.  My .02

Congrats on surgery!


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