Author Topic: Puffy nipples or full blown gyno?  (Read 5253 times)

Offline midcoastking

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Hi everyone, would love to know how bad my chest situation really is. I'm afraid that even if I get to single digit body fat my chest will still look like this. And also was wondering if a letro/nolvadex cycle could reduce the puffiness any (can't tell if it's a hard lump or just fat underneath), or if it has to be a surgical fix only. I'm so lost and frustrated, especially since everyone I know thinks it's just in my head. Thanks so much!

Offline midcoastking

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Here are the links in case the images don't appear

Offline puffycurse

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You're in pretty good shape. I would say you have a very mild case of Gynecomastia with slight puffiness in your nipples. I don't know if any medications can reduce puffy nipples (If there is, I would love to know it as well) but I do know that no medications cure Gynecomastia. You would have to get surgery for that.

Offline midcoastking

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There has been at least some reportings of letrozole/nolva cycles and epistane "curing" puffy nipples, but not true gyno. It's worth the risk for me seeing as how it's 100 dollars vs. 3-5k, with the only bad sides being reduced sex drive and joint pain. But glad that you think that it's not that bad though, like I said I can't really tell if there's a lump or not (nothing golf ball sized, that's about all I can tell).

Offline thetodd

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if the glands been there more than two years then forget it, if you get the proper cycle of letro/tamoxifen on the black market it will cost more than $100 and its also going to be brewed up in some chinese factory.

If youve had the moobs for more than two years, then forget the treatment. If its less get booked into an endo and get some genuine drugs + tests. I think with your case tbh youl need surgery
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline midcoastking

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Ahhhh it's that bad then yeah? I'm not gonna bother with an endo since they didn't pop up randomly, had them since puberty. Anyone else?

Offline johnney

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your situation seems similar to mine.  i had little body fat and pecs that were not symmetrical.  check out my thread to get an idea of how big my glands were in comparison to my pre-op pics.  i actually had a third surgery on Monday and am waiting to see the results.  i think surgery is the only option that will give you the results you want.  please make sure you get a good surgeon, it should only take one operation, not three!

Offline midcoastking

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Sorry to hear that you got boned with your surgeon, that's pretty much my fear as well. My pecs actually aren't symmetrical, must have been bad posture or just bad pic taking by me. For whatever reason, once in a while one nipple will shrink while the other stays puffy and it looks terrible, makes me terrified to take my shirt off.

I do plan to talk to my primary care physician real soon, to at least get more input if nothing else. I also will get to 10% or less body fat, and see where it still stands. I know surgery is probably going to be the only option to fix it, but maybe there's an underlying cause ala high estrogen that also needs addressing.

Thanks everyone for your input, would definitely welcome more opinions. 5000 is a really high price to pay so it's going to be at least a year before I can go ahead and pull the trigger

Offline johnney

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Maybe I worded it wrong, but I meant your chest is not symmetrical.  As far as price goes, I just paid 4,025 total for gland excision and lipo.  My doctor can be seen on youtube and some MTV documentaries.  He specializes in transgendered and is one of the best in the world.  I did a lot of research before choosing him.  I figure if he can make female chests look masculine, he should have no problem with me.  

He quoted me at 2,025 total WITHOUT general anesthesia, he was just going to use local.  I didn't want to be awake, and thought it was worth the extra 2000 for general anesthesia.  My point is that you could have it done for much less, but the local anesthesia might be uncomfortable.  Good luck with what you choose.


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