Author Topic: I probably have it ... what should I do? (please respond)  (Read 2537 times)

Offline no9988

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Well, I'm 22, 6' and 180 lbs. I'm a bit overweight but my breasts are abnormal (in my mind at least!) and I'm pretty sure that I have gynecomastia, right?
What makes me worry is the underlying cause! I'm not during puberty so the underlying cause can be serious.I'm not experiencing any symptoms actually but I wanna make sure there's nothing wrong with me.
+ I think my breasts have gotten smaller than when I was during puberty but they never disappeared and they've been like this for probably 4 years.
what should I do? Is this something serious?
thanks in advance

Offline Paa_Paw

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First off, you are not in the least abnormal. You are probably in the top 1/3 of men when it comes to breast growth. Being part of such a large group makes you perfectly normal.

We are dealing with a condition which is usually self defined. This means you have it if you think you do. That definition obviously leaves something to be desired for clarity but it is the truth.

Men often ask: "How bad is it?"

Here again there is not a very clear answer. We have guys who communicate with the site that have quite large breasts and they seem to be dealing with it quite well. For them it is not too bad. We have others who have just barely noticed puffy nipples but they have become reclusive and socially withdrawn. For them it is very bad. Size is not the measure of how bad the condition is, emotional impact is the criteria for how bad it is.

Does all this confuse you? Welcome to the club.

If the condition troubles you, The only effective way to get rid of it is to have surgery. Because this is a hot button for a significant number of men, there is an abundance of so called Herbal cures and exercise gizmos marketed to men with gynecomastia. None of those things will shrink anything so much as they shrink your wallet.
Grandpa Dan

Offline no9988

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thanks for your response
but as i said the gynecomastia itself doesn't bother me that much (it's not pleasant either!!).what worries me is the underlying cause since this won't happen for no reason!

Offline Paa_Paw

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Most often, the condition is listed as being idiopathic. This amounts to saying that the cause is unknown.

I would repeat that the condition in most men is actually quite normal though it can be an embarrassment.

Offline no9988

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I totally understand what you're saying.I've had this situation since I was a teenager and most of the time I've never even been embarrassed.
But I'm a stressful guy and when I saw what can cause gyno I got concerned.actually a while ago I was at my doctor's office for kind of a full check up and he mentioned my breasts looked a little too big and asked me to have a full blood work (not for this issue particularly, but he said if there was a problem it would show up in the blood work, he also mentioned it's probably nothing considering my age), I haven't had time to do it (and honestly I'm a little scared!) thought.
I want to know if I have gyno then go after what's causing it.

based on your answers I assume you think I have it too, right?
although, for what it's worth it doesn't feel any different from fat! it's not tender and sensitive either (but I know these are not definitive signs)


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