Author Topic: After 8 years...its gone!! *pics*  (Read 3107 times)

Offline snugglebandit

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Well, its been quite a long time coming, eight years to be exact, but I finally was able to get surgery on the 1st of September. All I can say for now is that this is definitely the happiest I have felt in a long, long time. I may not have had the worst case, but I still had to deal with A LOT of psychological crap that has left me regretting that I hadn't done this sooner.

Anyways, ill be updating you all with pictures throughout the healing process, and of course answering any questions you all may have!

Here's some of me pre-op:

Offline snugglebandit

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And here's some intra-op photos

Offline snugglebandit

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And a couple post op photos. The first ones are just a couple hours after, and the others are roughly 48 hours post-op. Sorry for the blurry pics, though I promise the next ones will be better.

Offline corvette09

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Your results look very good. I'm sure you must feel like a new man. Did you have local or general anesthesia?

Offline snugglebandit

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Thanks man, I know it looks pretty dang good right now, hopefully it will only get better! I ve got my fingers crossed.

And ya I had general anesthesia, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be or had read about. I wasn't groggy at all afterwards, and was pretty clear headed. I must have lucked out and gotten a really good anesthesiologist.

Offline Freedatlast

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Congratulations! Results look very promising so far. Don't worry about the past, just be happy to look towards to a future free of gynecomastia!

Offline EdmondDantes

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Looks good so far! Way to go. Who was your doctor?

Offline snugglebandit

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Thanks for the compliments! Hopefuly I have no complications during the healing process!

And my doctor was Dr. Robert Cohen, based in Scottsdale Arizona.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2011, 01:13:20 PM by snugglebandit »

Offline snugglebandit

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Little update...4 days post op

Got a little bit of swelling on my left side making my nipple protrude just a little bit. Hopefully it will go down soon. Other than that everything is looking good. I took the steri-strips off today because my surgeon told me to if they started to get mis-shapen. I was shocked to see that I could already just BARELY see the incision line. I mean, barely anything there. That makes me super, super happy, as it was one of my main concerns going into surgery. Worse comes to worse now, I wont have any big scars that everyone can see. Now I'm just hoping the swelling goes down, I get no craters, and have no significant scar tissue on the inside. We shall see in the coming weeks!

Also, its really just starting to hit me that this is finally gone. I'll go down to feel my chest and it just feels...normal. Best feeling ever. I almost want to cry every time I see my chest now, its just such an emotional relief to know that I have a normal man's chest now.

Offline joltera

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Congrats! Welcome to the "other side"

Your results look great! Your chest looks super flat now, massive improvements!

Don't sweat the swelling, it will go away. I have what appears to be more scar tissue in my left than in my right making my left nipple a little more pointy. I'm hoping it will subside as time progresses, but honestly once you start to get used to your new body, those little differences aren't even that noticeable to yourself.

That's awesome you have minimal scarring. I think the best way to judge the excision line is to look at yourself with sunlight on you at the angle where you can really see the texture of the skin. I usually sit in my car and adjust my rear view mirror so that it is angled at my chest.. I feel like only then can I really see the full extent of the scar, which mine is quite noticeable to me, but it's well worth not having little bitch breasts. Any other time looking into the mirror i honestly cant even notice it.

Honestly just the freedom of being able to wear clothing without people noticing my puffy nips is so liberating in itself! Next summer will probably be the best summer I've had in over 10 years, as it probably will be for you too :)

How much money did you have to drop? Seems like you chose a pretty good doctor.

Keep us updated with your progress!!
f*ck gyne

Offline JoeHaley

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Have you noticed any creasing?  Is the result uniform?

Offline snugglebandit

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Thanks joltera! I was lurking your thread a little while ago before my surgery and it made me feel a lot less nervous! haha you definitely got amazing results. No one would ever be able to tell you had gyne or surgery from the pics i've seen. And ya the swelling on the left side is already going down luckily. When did scar tissue start showing up for you though?

My surgery was 5500, which is quite a lot, but in the big scheme of things, it could have been any price and totally worth it ya know? I haven't felt this happy in YEARS and Im sure my results will still get a ton better. Its kinda sad when I think about how much I let it control my life, but nevertheless Im looking forward. This next summer, like you said, will probably be some of the best times of my life! We'll definitely be ruling the beach ;)

@ joe

No creasing so far, and im hoping it stays that way! And it looks very uniform to me even though the right side had a decent amount more tissue. I had a little swelling on the left side too, but even then it seemed pretty uniform. Now that the swelling is going down, I imagine they are getting even closer to eachother.

Ill be posting pics either at the one week mark or two week mark Im not sure yet...


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