Author Topic: Using of a bra  (Read 19576 times)

Offline carrots

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I have been having some issues and pain with my breasts and they have grown a little 38B/C.
two specialists and  a Dr all suggest using " support".
I am 50 but using of a bra makes me much more comfy as I have a lot of nagging discomfort without a bra. I dont use one for work but to add support at other times is a blessing as it makes me so much more comfy.
I am married, heterosexual with grown up children.
I think we are as a society too rigid in some cases. Using a bra helps me so much, we have even told some close friends.
My advice to you if you are having a struggle with the emotions of this as I did, then just try one, it doesnt mean anything except more comfort!

Offline Chicago

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You are absolutely right carrot. No reason to not use something that helps you. People sometimes forget that a bra has a function other than "being sexy".

Good for you being able to tell some people, many men who are ok using a bra in anonymity wouldn't be brave enough to tell close friends.

A question, when the dr and two specialists suggested using "support". did they recommend a bra specifically? were those doctors male or female?

Offline walt

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hi carrots, i wear a sports bra and have for some time as recomended by my Dr. im only about a c cup as well but they are painfull when i drive or operate the tractor , i do wear it most of the time as well as when i sleep. sometimes to work but the office gets real warm and i sweat so bad that my shirt sticks to me . so off comes the beartrap. one of the other nurses and i have a repore about it and we tease each other about bras when its hot. but thats ok with me. each person must  have their own comfort level and i am comfy wearing it arround and really do not care if someone sees it through my shirts or tank top. sorry about the grammer its late. be well

Offline Bman41

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I have pretty much given in to comfort over stigma.  I never realized just how much it bothered me till it didn't bother me anymore by wearing a sports bra.  It is virtually invisible under my shirts, my wife is supportive on it.  We haven't told anyone yet, might, but no need to at the moment. 

Offline jdb

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I have been using a front fastening sports bra for some time years now, initially as a compression garment that was very effective at minimizing their appearance without the heat I suffered using a standard compression vest.  However, since I have taken up fitness at home to trim my expanding waist (not that I am really fat) by using a treadmill, it has become an absolute necessity for support.  Running without one I can almost feel the tissues tearing inside as they bounce up and down. 
My wife is completely OK and with me wearing one and is impressed at how effective they are at minimizing what are very prominent breasts to the point that she will ask me to put one on if she know that a friend is coming around.
Being nearly 60 it does not bother me at all but I still would not advertise the fact.  By the way, I have discovered that not only does getting fitter not make my breasts smaller but they actually appear more prominent as my waist shrinks!  You just can't win.

Offline Paa_Paw

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You are far from being the first to observe that the breasts can actually become more evident when a person loses weight or becomes more fit.

Often people think that we can lose our larger than average breasts simply by shedding some weight or becoming mor fit. Those people are merely making obvious their ignorance of the matter.

Weight loss can be of benefit for some but not all.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Bman41

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My wife believes that weight loss will take care of it all (I hope...) but I do have my concerns that it will make more noticeable.  We'll see, hoping to get a good workout started here.

You are far from being the first to observe that the breasts can actually become more evident when a person loses weight or becomes more fit.

Often people think that we can lose our larger than average breasts simply by shedding some weight or becoming mor fit. Those people are merely making obvious their ignorance of the matter.

Weight loss can be of benefit for some but not all.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Regardless of the effect or lack of effect on Gynecomastia, getting fit is a grand idea for anyone.

I've never been an advocate of body building and I lack the coordination needed for most sports but I love mountaineering and backpacking.

Whatever keeps you in shape is good.

Offline Bman41

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Losing weight almost never has negative effects.  For me, if I show more with losing weight so be it, I would rather live longer and healthier with breasts than short life without or with them hidden/masked.

Offline livelife

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I believe if it isomething you wanna wear than go for it. I know my wife will support if I wear one or not. Obviously it is not sexual, not a fettish. There is mass, tissue there that warrants some support. I also know that when she gets home the first thing she does is rips hers off. Great for support for what she needs but off when she doesn't need it. I choose not to wear one although I have several sports bras in my drawer. Only time I do wear one is when I go out riding my quads or hunting. These puppies don't need to be let loose on a bumpy road, someone will get hurt.. lol

Offline Bman41

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Once in a while I try to go without, I just can't stand it.  I don't feel I am that big (bra size that fits best is a 38D or 40C depending on brand/model), but I just need something.

I believe if it isomething you wanna wear than go for it. I know my wife will support if I wear one or not. Obviously it is not sexual, not a fettish. There is mass, tissue there that warrants some support. I also know that when she gets home the first thing she does is rips hers off. Great for support for what she needs but off when she doesn't need it. I choose not to wear one although I have several sports bras in my drawer. Only time I do wear one is when I go out riding my quads or hunting. These puppies don't need to be let loose on a bumpy road, someone will get hurt.. lol

Offline Paa_Paw

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I was blessed with a very large chest and larger than average tidal air volume. It served me well when playing the clarinet and the very large size of my chest made the breasts seem smaller. 48A/B

In my younger days I sometimes wore a breast binder that would be very similar to an athletic bra of today. They were a great help in hiking and mountaineering. The large air volume was also a help when in the higher mountains above 12,000 feet. There were outings where I was the only one in the group who did not suffer as a result of the elevation.

Offline Anon E Mouse

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I played trumpet for a number of years and therefore get the increased air capacity thing. Unfortunately, health issues and gravity has moved much of it downward a bit. While I didn't begin to grow breasts until later, I did begin to gain weight at about the time my body decided I really didn't need much Testosterone after all and cut way back on my supply. It wasn't until we discovered my hypogonadism that I really began to notice my breasts. I have found that both low testosterone (hypogonadism) and testosterone replacement can cause breast growth. I am now either a 40D or 42C (depending) and find that wearing a bra is more comfortable than not. I have also found that the bras that are the most comfortable seem to be the ones that do little to hide me, while the ones that are the most uncomfortable seem to hide me the best. So, I chose what bra to wear based on what I expect to be doing and under what circumstances. As they continue to grow my ability to conceal them diminishes. Even so, my growing breasts is such a small issue compared to several other life-threatening issues I've had that I am unable to get too excited about it. I'm sure that this is true for many others here as well.


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I played trumpet for a number of years and therefore get the increased air capacity thing. Unfortunately, health issues and gravity has moved much of it downward a bit. While I didn't begin to grow breasts until later, I did begin to gain weight at about the time my body decided I really didn't need much Testosterone after all and cut way back on my supply. It wasn't until we discovered my hypogonadism that I really began to notice my breasts. I have found that both low testosterone (hypogonadism) and testosterone replacement can cause breast growth. I am now either a 40D or 42C (depending) and find that wearing a bra is more comfortable than not. I have also found that the bras that are the most comfortable seem to be the ones that do little to hide me, while the ones that are the most uncomfortable seem to hide me the best. So, I chose what bra to wear based on what I expect to be doing and under what circumstances. As they continue to grow my ability to conceal them diminishes. Even so, my growing breasts is such a small issue compared to several other life-threatening issues I've had that I am unable to get too excited about it. I'm sure that this is true for many others here as well.

As a diver I could hold my breath for quite a long time! As you said Anon, as my health went down hill so did my ability to hold my breath, along with many other things!

As you also said, as the life threatening issues arose or back surgeries, knee replacements, hip replacements, dealing with tons of pain from a body filled with arthritis! Breast are nothing more then a hang nail!

Offline dbweb

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I am new to this forum but not to this topic. 

First let me say that Bras are designed to comfortably support breast tissue, and of course are most often worn by women for obvious reason. 

Having said that, I will add now that as I reach my mid 60's, my moobs have been on a growth spurt and I am faced with wearing something for support, yes a BRA (not that hard to say when you understand the first part of the previous statement is most important) My doc is checking my hormone levels to insure all is right, but that is the extent of mecical procedures I expect to go through.

I have also been blessed with poor veins, which has required me to wear support hose for the last 25 years, also commonly worn by women.

The point in all this, garments are designed specefically for a function, and we have to get over that fact that if mostly worn by one gender, than crossing that line will make you an outcast

Someone also wrote that  wearing a bra in the summer is so hot, it is not worth it, let me say, try to wear support hose when hot and hummid, then we can talk. There are many choices of thiner but still supporting bras available, try others!

Our society has changed with all the descrimanation laws in place now, so don't be concerned about what people think of you, as most don't really bother to point out "unusural" appearances any longer.

Finally, focus on and be thankfull for what you are given in life, not the crosses you have to carry. 

D B Web


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