Author Topic: To all those Karidisites!  (Read 4955 times)

Offline sylen

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I've been on this forum now for around two years now and thought it was finally time to post, so hello!

I was just wondering where all of you guys that went with Karidis live, because Im thinking of booking a consultation and travelling from birmingham, and it would be interesting and helpful to see how far you guys had to travel to see him, and how easy it was to do.

Don't worry, im not expecting you to write your post code, just the city or county will suffice  :)

Id also just like to mention how brilliant you all are, youve made me feel less alone whilst iv contemplated all of this over the past couple of years, even though we have never spoke i have got so much advice from you guys and its been so helpful and invaluable :)

Offline ITrecruit

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I live in NW London.

If your in Birmingham / I believe Levick is closer ?

Offline thetodd

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lived in brum when i had the op mate, 50 mins on the train i think it was.

my old man drove me up on the day of the op (saturday). When the congestion charge doesnt apply ... and there is free parking outside the hospital all day ;). London is a different place on the weekend
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline sylen

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I know levick is nearer, but he removes the gland from the armpit, and while im in no position to question that technique i think id just feel more comfortable with the incision under the nipple, especially because my case is almost definatley all glandular (im pretty low body fat).

thanks thetodd, i was thinking of going on a saturday anyway, makes it less likely to interfere with work and stuff like that. I doubt ll be taking anyone with me, im hoping i can get this all over with without anyone ever knowing to be honest! So transport is going to be a big thing for me i guess, unless i learn to drive and stay over night or something :)

Offline sylen

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also another thing about karidis, on his website he doesnt seem to have, or show, the usual qualifications of a plastic surgeon (plast.)
why would this be, and should i be worried?

Offline trashed

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Feel free to correct me if my theory is wrong as I have not had surgery and am in very early stages of thinking what to do. IMO Levick seems better because he doesn't do surgery around the nipple so possible scaring will be else where.  Of course most people responding won't be surgeons anyway though :)

Well whatever person you were to go with you shouldn't religiously trust whats on their website anyway.
www. baaps AND www. bapras Look them up on there however I have no idea of the difference between the two.

Everyone seems to slag off the NHS on here and it seems valid but check out www. nhs .uk/conditions/Cosmetic-surgery/Pages/Introduction.aspx as it seems good advice.

Offline Swarley

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Going in for Surgery in November.
I live in Surrey - about an hour away from the hospital by train + tube.
But my sister has offered to take the day off work to drive me to & from the hospital, and stay over that night to make sure I'm alright (what a great sis - it's tough to believe the scar on my arm came from her teeth when we were kids!)

For what it's worth, I had a look at what BAAPS & BAPRAS.
It looks like Karidis isn't a member of either, but Levick is a member of BAPRAS, not BAAPS.

Just my personal opinion, but having looked at what these organisations claim to do, I didn't think it was important to me.
The way I see it, Karidis & Levick each have their own techniques, and each have more happy patients than I've had hot dinners, so I don't really care whether or not they get together with other surgeons to "interchange knowledge" or "promote innovation".
Surgery with Alex Karidis 8/11/11. Currently recovering.

Offline ITrecruit

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Karadis has an excellent rep, I am sure you will be looked after well!

Offline chopper

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I've met many people with Degrees who are idiots and many without degrees who are far more competent in their jobs then the guy with the degree.

The same applies here I think. The proof of the pudding is in the eating and both Levick and Karidis have great reputations regardless of if they have the latest bits of paper. Karidis is probably way past caring about those sorts of things, his reputation means he has people beating his door down.

Where else do you find a 1 month waiting list for people begging to give you £4K? LOL. He must be doing 4 or 5 of these a day when he does a Gyne day....£20K a day and I'm sure we all wouldn't give 2 hoots about a formal qualification, you are past that stage.

Offline ITrecruit

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I've met many people with Degrees who are idiots and many without degrees who are far more competent in their jobs then the guy with the degree.

The same applies here I think. The proof of the pudding is in the eating and both Levick and Karidis have great reputations regardless of if they have the latest bits of paper. Karidis is probably way past caring about those sorts of things, his reputation means he has people beating his door down.

Where else do you find a 1 month waiting list for people begging to give you £4K? LOL. He must be doing 4 or 5 of these a day when he does a Gyne day....£20K a day and I'm sure we all wouldn't give 2 hoots about a formal qualification, you are past that stage.

Agree 100%

Offline fingerit

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I travelled from up north mate, 2.5 hours on the train. Bit inconvenient, just because of the cost of train travel, consultation surgery and follow up but totally worth going that far.

Offline sylen

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hey guys, thanks for all the replys really appreciate it. Im considering either going with karidis or with a guy called jj staiano whos are breast specialist in birmingham, though from what iv read on here karidis is main man!

another couple of months saving and ill book my consultation and set the date, hoping to get it done just after christmas so its not hot wearing that vest that seems like a ballache!

Anyway another quick question, whats the easiest way to get bloods done, and do i need to give a reason to the doctor to why i want them done?

Offline ITrecruit

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I done mine with kardis staright after the consultation, does cost around £120 though, I dont think your GP will ask questions.

Why dont you book the consultation now with Karidis and then book surgery for Jan?

Offline sylen

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£120 is quite alot compared to free, though i guess it saves alot of hassle.
I would book it but since the start of September iv started an apprenticeship so iv had to cut down my hours at the other place i work, so im barely getting any money in right now, still need about 700 to get it all done, maybe 900 including consultation and travel :/
just trying to be patient!

Offline thetodd

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get it done via your GP for free, its not that much hassle getting it done especially if you have time to get it sorted


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