Author Topic: Surgery booked Jan 10th. Has prices changed?  (Read 4123 times)


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Hi guys just wanted to inform you all that I have booked my surgery for the 10th January today.

Just wanted to ask all those that have recently booked with Dr. Karidis, what was the price you got quoted? Mine was £2800 for the Dr, and £1483 for the Hospital fees and then a £75 consultation fee. Do you think this was higher than what most of you have paid?
I didn't need the bloods as I had them done from my GP for free.

Would appreciate some info guys. Thanks

Offline Swarley

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Best of luck. You're in good hands with Karidis & his team.

Back in September I was quoted £2825 + hospital fee of £1483 (total £4308) for the male chest reduction procedure.
So if anything it looks like Karidis has dropped his fee by £25.

(btw. I ended up going with Chest Reduction & Liposuction to the Flanks, which in total was about £975 more).
Surgery with Alex Karidis 8/11/11. Currently recovering.


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Thanks Pal.

Yeah I've read through your experience and seen your results, looks great mate you must be chuffed.

Was the £4308 including the bloods and the consultation or were they extra?

Offline shaunuk

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Thanks Pal.

Yeah I've read through your experience and seen your results, looks great mate you must be chuffed.

Was the £4308 including the bloods and the consultation or were they extra?

No doubt this doctor is good with all the pics I've seen on here but deffo ovepriced £75 for the consulatation?

£4308 in total? just seems there out to make every penny they can grab... every doctor ive seen reviews on has done a good job, I only paid £2500 included.. surgery free consultation + all meals drinks, got picked up droped off in a taxi all price in

Offline Swarley

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Was the £4308 including the bloods and the consultation or were they extra?

Yeah they were extra.

The consultation fee (£75) is actually a donation to the charity run hospice that is part of the hospital - you don't pay that money to Karidis. I wrote a cheque when I arrived for the consultation, and put it into the donation envelope they gave me.

It's up to you how you want to get the blood tests done. Many people on here have had them done at their GP for free (and some I think got charged a small fee when their GP found out it was for private surgery), but I chose to pay to have them done there and then - I think that was £120.

Yeah I've read through your experience and seen your results,
£4308 in total? just seems there out to make every penny they can grab... every doctor ive seen reviews on has done a good job, I only paid £2500 included.. surgery free consultation + all meals drinks, got picked up droped off in a taxi all price in

Shaunuk - I'm glad you're happy with how things went for you.

But look, I'm not here to promote anything (or have a dig at anyone else's choices).

For me what was important was whether I could trust the guy.
After all, it's the only body I've got, so before I let anyone do anything with it, I had to be confident that I'll be happy with the result.
So far I am happy. 6 weeks post op and I'm dying for an excuse to take my shirt off. If only it wasn't so cold outside!!!

Offline Bikkembergs

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Thanks bikkembergs. Surgery went great just got home abit ago. Feeling sore and it's really hard to do a few odd things. But overall it's finally over and done with, now will have to wait and see what the results are like as i've not had a look under all the padding. Will wait till morning to take it off and see the new flat me. :-)

I shall try and take pics if i can. Not anytime soon though.

I'd like to once again thank all those who have posted about their journey towards being G free because it's made having everything done a breeze. Thank you all for the useful information you guys leave.

Well i'll update my whole journey being G free with pics soon, just going to lay in bed and recover for now.

Offline pancakes

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Mike, how severe was your case?


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pancakes it wasn't too severe, if you click my name and check my post there's pics of my gyno.

Offline Mickydubs

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Congratulations mike, comfy pillow time now, just get yourself propped up good and chill.
( easyer said than done lead on your back I know )
Nice and easy for at least a week and you'll be fealing like a different person.   
Get two weeks out of the way and you won't need to wear that bloody vest 24/7 !!! Bonus !!!
Roll on looking great for summertime mate. 

Offline hitchcock

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I wish you all the best in your recovery.

It's interesting the best surgeon in your country costs 4300 pounds; the best in the USA will probably cost approx 7000 dollars, around that area.

Not sure how that works out.

I actually have a very similar case to yours, as I checked your pics. Mine came later on in life at around age 21-22 most likely because of meds. The pics of yours that closely resemble mine are the pics from below your belly looking up at your chest. I seem to have some excess fat noticeable from that view.

I have a consultation booked for late January. Not sure I'd ever have this surgeon operate on me but it's free!

Anyway, best of luck and have a speedy recovery!

Offline Bikkembergs

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I wish you all the best in your recovery.

It's interesting the best surgeon in your country costs 4300 pounds; the best in the USA will probably cost approx 7000 dollars, around that area.

Not sure how that works out.

I actually have a very similar case to yours, as I checked your pics. Mine came later on in life at around age 21-22 most likely because of meds. The pics of yours that closely resemble mine are the pics from below your belly looking up at your chest. I seem to have some excess fat noticeable from that view.

I have a consultation booked for late January. Not sure I'd ever have this surgeon operate on me but it's free!

Anyway, best of luck and have a speedy recovery!

After conversion, £4'300 is around $6,6-700, so after individual travel costs it'll be roughly be the same. Throw in the fact that anybody in the UK is living a maximum of maybe 4 hours away from London, compared to the vast distances that American's can be away from the "best" U.S surgeons, and the UK probably becomes more advantageous.

Congratulations Mike, glad it went well for you  ;)

Hopefully A.K's hands are still hot for me on Saturday  :D

Offline hitchcock

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Yea, my point was you guys have it pretty good in UK :)


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Hi guys.

Since I'm feeling much better now after the surgery I thought I'd let you know about my whole journey through being G free. It's only fair I give something to this forum and the users as I have received great advice and information through this forum.

I first started getting gyne when I was 23 I think never had it before I got it due to taking Propecia a hair loss pill. I can advise all those taking that pill avoid it at all cost, it really messes up things for you even more. Anyway so after I took this pill for about a few months I noticed I had moobs so I immediately stopped, I thought maybe the side effects will subside but it didn't. So I started researching the problem and came across this forum. I could have had the surgery with Karidis ages ago but thought I'd research it very well. So I spent a year almost just reading through these boards. And then Finally decided to take the plunge and get it out the way.

I went for the consultation about 4 weeks ago, went by train and used the underground, it was all a bit confusing for me as I have never been on a train before or the underground. I luckily managed to get to the hospital though, when I got there saw Dr. Karidis, he checked my chest out and told me he could get me flat. I didn't really ask any questions as this forum gave me all that I should know. So it literally took 5 minutes. After that went to see Nicola arranged a date for the earliest and got 10th of January which I happily agreed. I paid all the fees etc there and then, didn't need to have the bloods done as I had them done before my consultation and had them sent off again this forum gave me all the info way in advanced. After that was sorted got myself back home again after a long tiring day and now it was waiting for the actual day to come.

A few days before my surgery I prepared myself with all I would need, I stocked my fridge and cupboards with all the healthy food and did all my cleaning, ironing etc as I wanted to keep the whole thing secret from my family. I made sure that I didn't have anything big to do when I got back from after surgery.
I also booked myself a hotel room as I didn't want nothing unexpected to happen travelling to London on the day of the surgery so thought I rather stay over the night before plus I knew how tiring it can be travelling from the Northwest to London and back again and after having a surgery I knew it probably would have been even more exhausting.

Well the day had come for me to head to London, so I got ready hit the train got to the hotel room. While I was at the hotel room didn't really sleep much as I can never sleep any other place apart from my own cosy bed. It wasn't the nerves keeping me up. To be honest I wasn't even nervous about the whole procedure for some reason I thought I might be since I have never been in a Hospital bed in my whole life.
The morning of the surgery arrived, I woke up had a shower and headed to the Hospital at 9am as my I was booked in for 10pm. When I got there checked in at the main reception waited for a few minutes and this lady called me over and took me to my room. While in the room filled in some paper work and then another nurse came in and took by blood pressure readings etc. Afterwards was given some surgery clothing to wear which I put on apart from the see through underwear they give you I just left it out and kept my own shorts on. Half hour later or so Dr. Karidis came on to my room marked me up took some pics and told me I'll be up in about 45mins. I spent the time watching t.v and finally the hour had come for me to head down to the theatre. I still didn't feel and nerves kicking in even at that point. When I got to the theatre room lay on the bed and the nurse strapped some medical equipment on me and then the anaesthetist came in he did his thing even now I was still calm as a rock. He told me I would feel a little light headed which I can remember and that was it I was knocked out, It's kind of amazing how fast the drug works. I woke up later on to me it seemed as if I closed my eyes and re-opened them again that's how quick it seemed. While I was at the recovery room which was very noisy, I woke up because I was feeling quite hot, I think they pump hot air or something into the strapping on you legs. I felt really tired my throat was in pain a lot I managed however to say to the nurse I feel hot, in which I think she turned off whatever it was that was making me feel hot. A couple of minutes later I was whizzed off to my room again, I lay there for a quite sometime I dozed of now and then and the nurse would come round every 30mins to check my blood pressure. My throat was in most pain, I didn't really feel much pain from my chest. I drank loads of water to ease the throat pain, later on I asked the nurse for a cup of tea to see if it helps with my throat. Around about two hours later Jasmine came in gave me a compression vest and just went through everything I should and shouldn't do, a bit later on my meal came I ate everything as I was starving due to not eating for 14 hours. I had my surgery around about 11.45 and left the Hospital about 6pm I could have left earlier but thought I rather just hang about there as my train left at 7pm. I forgot to mention that I had problems passing urine, damn that was so hard. The nurse told me to cab it to the train station but I was feeling fine to use the underground so I just went with my own instincts and hit the tube. I was still not in much pain after walking down to the tube and getting to the train station. When I finally got home I was so relieved, I can't explain to you how relieved I was to see my house even more than having the whole procedure as the whole day was so tiring and I just wanted to be home and that was all that was going up in my head.
When I got home my sister and mother didn't realise nothing unusual, I could however as I was hunched up and my movement was slow and restricted. I got something to eat and hit the bed. Sleeping was really hard the first night I hardly slept to be honest, in the morning got a call from one of the girls from Karidis's office I told her I was doing fine. I finally got myself out of bed after laying there for 12hours, I woke up took off the padding and I was shocked at how flat I was. I had a shower didn’t really soaked myself as I was trying to be really protective even from the water, I got some cotton wools and just wiped gently around the incision sites.  After the shower I reapplied some new plasters around the incision sites. That day I spend sitting around in my room and just eating and eating, healthy food though mostly vegetables. Well I don’t want to go rambling anymore I think I said a lot if I carry on any further it’ll be like a book.

I’m on day 6 now post op. Most of my movement is back, there’s only little or no pain left. My incisions have all healed up nicely, but I’m kind of getting a bit worried now because my right side is a bit bigger than my left, it has always been like that but I imagined with the surgery it would be evened out. I don’t know if this is swelling. Shouldn’t swelling be on both sides and not on one side?

My surgery cost me a total of £4600.
Travelling from Manchester -£150
Consultation fee-£75
Karidis fee-£2800
Hospital fee£-1483
That’s about it I think, I had the bloods done from my GP so that saved me a lot of money thankfully.


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I can't upload pics guys? Help.


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