Author Topic: I'm back after such a long time.  (Read 4811 times)

Offline about2change

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Hello to you all,

I was a member of this forum a few years ago, my life has since changed twice. I got to a stage of my life where I was really depressed (at the age of 15/16), I met the girl of my dreams and had a 3 year relationship which ended a few months ago, and now, together with my weight, my life has changed for the worse. At 15/16 I didn't have the necessary funds to seek surgery, whilst my mum was supportive, my dad, together with my brother, always thought I was "fat and lazy".

Now I'm 19 and have saved up £3000, I do not want to ask my parents for money, even though I know if I wanted it they would help out. I have read many posts here about Dr. Karidis and Dr Levick.

With £3000 do you recommend that I find a surgeon within this price, and effectively "cure" my boobs, or stay in this situation for another 3/4 months and raise my budget to meet Dr. Karidis' or Dr Levick's demands/requirements.

With Regards, D

Offline Bikkembergs

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Up to you but the quality of surgery is surely more important than the price.

Offline improving

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Yeah don't try and get a cheap job, you only get one body, so forget about getting "value for money", just use a top surgeon.

Offline about2change

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Thanks for your quick replies guys.

I do realise that a good and skilful surgeon is needed, however, I was debating, to myself obviously, that surely there must be other surgeons in the UK who are just skilful, if not, more skilful than the two previously mentioned?


Offline hitchcock

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I'd always go for the more experienced surgeon if you can be patient. If you have made the decision to go through with surgery it's best not to choose someone with price as the number one reason. If the best surgeon you can find happens to be the least expensive, that's fine.

Offline about2change

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I'd always go for the more experienced surgeon if you can be patient. If you have made the decision to go through with surgery it's best not to choose someone with price as the number one reason. If the best surgeon you can find happens to be the least expensive, that's fine.

Thanks for you input,

I understand that price shouldn't be the only point when considering surgery. All I'm saying is: there must be other reputable surgeons within the UK who treat patients suffering from gynecomastia. I don't believe that all Ops are carried out by these two.

Does anyone know of any other good surgeons who have a good reputation?

Regards D

Offline thetodd

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You wont get it done for less than 4k in the UK, if you want it done abroad you could save a bit but it does carry risks!

have a look on the polish boards, a few lads have had good results there
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline about2change

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You wont get it done for less than 4k in the UK, if you want it done abroad you could save a bit but it does carry risks!

have a look on the polish boards, a few lads have had good results there

Thanks for your input, however, can you please inform me of any other doctors in the UK with a decent reputation. Surely we cannot have two doctors to treat everyone from gynecomastia?


Offline ChestMan

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Dude, you're only 19...I think you'll learn as life goes on that you get what you pay for. You've already saved 3k, in the grand scheme of things 1.5k and a few extra months of living with gyne is not the worst thing. Trust me, I've tried cutting corners on a lot things over the years (car repairs, suits, houses...) and I've always regretted not spending that little bit more. I know when you are 19, it may seem like a lot of money (geez - when I was 19 I'd be lucky to save more than a couple of hundred pounds in a year...), but if you skimp on something as important as this you'll look back in 10-15 years time as ask yourself what were you thinking.

I think you'll struggle to find anyone in for less than 4k in the UK. There are plenty of surgeons out there, and if you trawl through these boards you should be able to find at least a dozen with at different prices with various levels of experience/technique.

Having said all this, at 19 , I'm not sure that you should be jumping into surgery. I'd suggest getting a full endocrine assessment to ensure that as your hormones may not have fully settled down and there maybe an option to address the problem without surgery (could save you some cash too). They coud not doing anything for me, but it is worth a shot. 

Don't worry about breaking up with the 'girl of your dreams', there are plenty of fish in the sea. You're only 19...too young for a serious relationship...plenty of time left to meet new a new birds and play the field. Furthermore, if you are suffering from any further depression, I'd suggest seeing a is too short to stay down (I've been there before).

Offline about2change

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Dude, you're only 19...I think you'll learn as life goes on that you get what you pay for. You've already saved 3k, in the grand scheme of things 1.5k and a few extra months of living with gyne is not the worst thing. Trust me, I've tried cutting corners on a lot things over the years (car repairs, suits, houses...) and I've always regretted not spending that little bit more. I know when you are 19, it may seem like a lot of money (geez - when I was 19 I'd be lucky to save more than a couple of hundred pounds in a year...), but if you skimp on something as important as this you'll look back in 10-15 years time as ask yourself what were you thinking.

I think you'll struggle to find anyone in for less than 4k in the UK. There are plenty of surgeons out there, and if you trawl through these boards you should be able to find at least a dozen with at different prices with various levels of experience/technique.

Having said all this, at 19 , I'm not sure that you should be jumping into surgery. I'd suggest getting a full endocrine assessment to ensure that as your hormones may not have fully settled down and there maybe an option to address the problem without surgery (could save you some cash too). They coud not doing anything for me, but it is worth a shot. 

Don't worry about breaking up with the 'girl of your dreams', there are plenty of fish in the sea. You're only 19...too young for a serious relationship...plenty of time left to meet new a new birds and play the field. Furthermore, if you are suffering from any further depression, I'd suggest seeing a is too short to stay down (I've been there before).

Thanks dude, means a lot.

Like I said, I do not mind waiting a few more months for surgery with one of the best surgeons in the UK. I was merely asking if there are other reputable doctors in the UK. My hormone levels have now settled down. I finish all my uni exam by May, together with this I will hopefully shed a few more pounds and get the surgery then.

I have always been very out going and the gyne has never really "depressed me", however, at this age (19) all my mates are booking these stupid holidays, I say 'stupid holidays' only because I have to make up constant excuses for not going. This is why I'm hoping to get rid this ASAP and be ready for summer 2013. :)

out of curiosity 'breastman' who did you have surgery with? how did it go? are you happy with results?

Regards, D

Offline zm

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With no disrespect to breastman, 19 is perfect if you would like to get the surgery done.  I've had gyno since i'm 33. i'm into bodybuilding and whilst a people have always been telling me that i'm stupid for even thinking about surgery, i wish i had got it done those many years ago.  i've never been happy with my chest even though the rest of my body is absolutely fine.

don't let the years linger on and regret not having surgery done.  save up for another few months, get the extra money and by the time when you're at your prime age, you will thank yourself for it.

i'll be having my surgery done in February hopefully with Dr. Karidis.

Offline Bikkembergs

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I know what you mean in regards to the prominence of Levick and Karidis. Yes, there are other surgeons but consider the logic behind whoever has more years of experience and a larger portfolio of patients will naturally be discussed more frequently.

Anyway, I'm sure you don't really care and just want some alternatives. A woman I worked with had another procedure with the Transform group and she was completely satisfied. They do gynaecomastia surgery too. I just looked on their site and it costs just under £2,700. I also know the Nuffield Health group does this surgery for under £3,000. It seems plastic surgery in the UK is largely done under commercial clinics rather than individually. If you simply google gynaecomastia surgery you can see this and there's plenty of choice.

Have you been to your GP yet? It's absolutely your second stop (The first being the internet).

Offline ChestMan

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I guess I'm forgetting what it was like to be 19....Those lads holidays are a somewhat of a rite of passage...why should you miss out on the all the Clunge... ;). Mates can harsh at your age - it doesn't get any better, I was in Vegas last year for a Stag do and some bird flashed her cans at us on the Strip and one of the boys were like 'I prefer yours (mine)',  what a c**t...

I actually haven't had surgery although I've had two consultations with Plastic surgeons (one with Harley medical group and most recently Karidis), seen my doctor and had my hormones checked by an endocrinologist. I've decided that this year I will finally take action and get rid of them.

Zm- I'm not saying that the lad shouldn't get surgery. I just think he should assess all options and while I'm no expert, I think hormones can still be knocking around at his age. Similar to you, I didn't develop mine until 18/19 and I'm now 33.  I often regret not getting it done earlier, although   I actually think holding off may be a blessing in disguise as more surgeons now specialise in this type of surgery and gynecomastia is more widely known condition. When we were 19, there was limited information available on what your options were and if you did opt for surgery, you probably would have ended up with a surgeon who had only done breast augmentation. Not getting it done earlier in life has given me chance to attempt to accept my body for what it is, and truly know that I want to get rid of it once and for all. 
PS - If you want to get your surgery done in Feb, I suggest taking action now as when I met with Karidis 3 weeks ago, there was only one slot left in Feb...good luck with it all.

Offline about2change

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I know what you mean in regards to the prominence of Levick and Karidis. Yes, there are other surgeons but consider the logic behind whoever has more years of experience and a larger portfolio of patients will naturally be discussed more frequently.

Anyway, I'm sure you don't really care and just want some alternatives. A woman I worked with had another procedure with the Transform group and she was completely satisfied. They do gynaecomastia surgery too. I just looked on their site and it costs just under £2,700. I also know the Nuffield Health group does this surgery for under £3,000. It seems plastic surgery in the UK is largely done under commercial clinics rather than individually. If you simply google gynaecomastia surgery you can see this and there's plenty of choice.

Have you been to your GP yet? It's absolutely your second stop (The first being the internet).

I have heard about Transform too, but it seems to me that people generally advice to stay away from these big companies. I will seek to book a consultation and see what I think of them. So far, Dr. Karidis seems to tick all the right boxes, like I said I already have £3000 saved up for this procedure, that together with me selling one of my cars should see me through.

I have met my GP on two occasions regarding this issue, at first my GP, together with my mother, decided and persuaded me in waiting until I'm 19/20 to see if the case resolves itself, although my hormones levels seemed good based on what he said. I was only 15/16 at the time and was clearly upset which was the reason my GP did refer me to an NHS clinic, having to walk into Royal Free hospital (london)  "Breast Clinic" was probably the hardest thing I've ever done. All those women around me giving me strange looks didn't help. So with the advice of my mother and GP, I decided to wait until 19/20.

I'am now 19, turning 20 on sunday, about a week ago I went to see my GP and asked for a blood test to check my hormone levels, hopefully I will get the results back with satisfactory levels of testosterone and estrogen. If all is clear I wish to get rid of these stupid "things" which has destroyed my life, thus far. In fact, I was debating, to myself obviously, whether the surgeon would be willing to give me the gland tissue after the operation so that I can actually BURN them.


I guess I'm forgetting what it was like to be 19....Those lads holidays are a somewhat of a rite of passage...why should you miss out on the all the Clunge... ;). Mates can harsh at your age - it doesn't get any better, I was in Vegas last year for a Stag do and some bird flashed her cans at us on the Strip and one of the boys were like 'I prefer yours (mine)',  what a c**t...

I actually haven't had surgery although I've had two consultations with Plastic surgeons (one with Harley medical group and most recently Karidis), seen my doctor and had my hormones checked by an endocrinologist. I've decided that this year I will finally take action and get rid of them.

Zm- I'm not saying that the lad shouldn't get surgery. I just think he should assess all options and while I'm no expert, I think hormones can still be knocking around at his age. Similar to you, I didn't develop mine until 18/19 and I'm now 33.  I often regret not getting it done earlier, although   I actually think holding off may be a blessing in disguise as more surgeons now specialise in this type of surgery and gynecomastia is more widely known condition. When we were 19, there was limited information available on what your options were and if you did opt for surgery, you probably would have ended up with a surgeon who had only done breast augmentation. Not getting it done earlier in life has given me chance to attempt to accept my body for what it is, and truly know that I want to get rid of it once and for all.  
PS - If you want to get your surgery done in Feb, I suggest taking action now as when I met with Karidis 3 weeks ago, there was only one slot left in Feb...good luck with it all.

I know what you mean mate, I have experienced similar problems. One recent example, I met this girl and during some time which I presumed to be romance, she grabbed my moobs!

I have been through these broads in detail and have decided that I will be going with Dr. Karidis as I only live 6 miles away, also the results look second to none.  Now its just a case of getting the money together and making sure the time management is correct not to interfere with my exams.

Hopefully this summer will be more pleasant and I can enjoy a relatively decent holiday.

Offline Bikkembergs

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I agree with you about surgical companies, there's a lack of individuality about them for me. I still feel that there's no point going forward with it unless you're comfortable.

I think the hormonal cases are pretty rare, although you have developed it quite late. In most cases its genetic. It's good that you've got your mum on board though, I wish I'd done that.

I can totally relate to your bad stories too, Im sure we all can. I also remember walking into the breast clinic in the hospital... horrible isn't it. I have douzens of terrible tales too. Not anymore though. I'm 3 weeks post op now and I can't argue with the results. In fact, I think I take them for granted. I'm off out tonight and I'll be wearing a nice trim t shirt (which I could never have worn a month ago) and jeans and most importantly a smile on my face.


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