Author Topic: New From Van  (Read 5228 times)

Offline justsomeguyinvan

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Hey, just found the site, looking for advice.

I have read a lot that people are flying to Ontario to see Dr. Fielding. This is not feasable for me, can people post some recomendations of people in the lower mainland? I have only seen one Dr., Dr. Lewis, in North Vancouver, and that was about a year ago. He informed me the eexcision would be covered, and the rest would be 600$. Having read all the posts, that seems too low? Can anyone post info on Dr. Lewis, personal experience, and info about other Dr.s in the area. Thanks a lot, appreciate the help.

Offline Achilles

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600 isn't necessarily too low, it depends on your case and how much needs to be done.  If he has pics, how are the before and after's?  How often does he perform thois procedure?  You should worry more about his experience than the price.  I'm from ottawa so I wouldn't be able to tell you of PS's in Vancouver.


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I have only seen one Dr., Dr. Lewis, in North Vancouver, and that was about a year ago.

Have you got his number?

Offline justsomeguyinvan

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I will try and find his number. I also just called the place someone mentioned, that is on Broadway in Vancouver. They told me there was a hundred dollar consultation fee. I am wondering if this is common? I fear paying that fee, and then being told a price I can not afford, and thusly, wasting a hundred bucks. Do most places charge for the consult? Kind of makes shopping around difficult I would think. Any help or ideas appreciated!


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I fear paying that fee, and then being told a price I can not afford, and thusly, wasting a hundred bucks. Do most places charge for the consult? Kind of makes shopping around difficult I would think. Any help or ideas appreciated!

Yep! .. I went to Fairview and $100 dollars later
I got an estimate for $4700 dollars.
I asked to get it done at a hospital so it's cheaper and got no response
from them yet .. It seems like he's a ritzy doctor who
doesn't give a crap unless you got the money!!
I could be wrong.

Offline justsomeguyinvan

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Thank you very much for responding, what you described is exactly what I fear would happen. It seems many people get around 1000 $ estimates, but what happenec to you was what I fear about paying the consultation fee, 100$ is a lot to me, perhaps not to others seeking this procedure. Can anyone suggest some other pllaces to try for consultations in Van.


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Can anyone suggest some other pllaces to try for consultations in Van.

I believe this to be my and perhaps your saviour.,0.023850&near=north+vancouver&cid=49322680,-123071293,13246394047817262405&num=1&start=0&hl=en

good luck! - and please post your experiance.

Offline justsomeguyinvan

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THanks for the reply, this is the Dr. Lewis I went to see. My main reason for seeking other consultations after speaking with him, was his adament stress on how there was a good chance my chest would come out , not being even, and looking badly. He said multiple times "there may be heavy puckering around the nipple, and unevenness between the two sides". Wasn't really what I was hoping to hear, but if anyone has some positive experiences with this Dr. perhaps i should reconsider.


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THanks for the reply, this is the Dr. Lewis I went to see. My main reason for seeking other consultations after speaking with him, was his adament stress on how there was a good chance my chest would come out , not being even, and looking badly.

From what I understand this has alot to do with
your skin tone and such. Each case is different
so no matter which doc you go see the after effect
might be all the same.  But I'd always get a second
opinion on the matter for sure.

and .. there's always MEXICO! .. hmm ..
something like this probly run around a few pesos ;-)

Offline c3ntralp3rk

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  • there is hope.
go to dr.brown in richmond..

Offline justsomeguyinvan

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THanks a lot, I checked out the website and will probably call for a consult this weekend. Do you know how much Dr. Brown's consult fee is, and does anyone have any experience with this doctor? Further places to try as well much appreciated. Thanks everyone, I am finding this board a great help to me.


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THanks Do you know how much Dr. Brown's consult fee is


Offline c3ntralp3rk

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yes, but if you do go ahead with the surgery.. your $100 will be refunded..

remember, that unlike Fairview Plastic Surgery (with dr.fitzpatrick) with Dr.Brown, MSP does cover the excision (hence you should expect rates similar, but a bit higher than fielding).. fielding operates at a local hospital, brown is a private one.. i think,

guys, correct me if i'm wrong..

i'm contacting brown on sept 5th..

let me know how your consultation goes..
« Last Edit: August 21, 2005, 06:02:33 PM by c3ntralp3rk »

Offline justsomeguyinvan

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I beleive I will call to make an appointment this week. Could anyone with any experience with Dr. Brown post it, greatly appreciated. As well, always looking for more recomendations in the lower mainland.

Offline c3ntralp3rk

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  • there is hope.
there was a guy on this 'canada' forum and on the 'surgery experiences' forum who spoke very highly of dr.brown.. he claimed he would post pictures and provide updates.. but his really happy post-surgery post was the last i ever saw..

you should ask dr.brown for some before/after pictures.. and please, tell us what you think of him.. we need as much support from each other as possible.

goodluck to you man.
hope your consultation goes off well..


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