Author Topic: Consultation booked with Dr. Karidis 28/01/13  (Read 3693 times)

Offline Imbackagain

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Hi all

Finding the forum was like seeing a large massive light and the end of my embarrassing tunnel. I've had the problem for years, (26 now) Im about 13.5 stone and just under 5'6 tall. Had the problem with Gyno since I can remember and they just did not get any smaller. I've never been a slim lad which has obviously made the situation worse and have been 14/15/16 stone in my large days. My life has never been easy, i always have to wear a vest under my shirt, my posture is bad, i never ever take my top off in front of anyone, i always wear black, I can't even swim due to being embarrassed to go near a beech or pool,. Anyway Having been to the docs about 6 months ago, the doctor saw my chest and said "there quite large" and with a embarrassed face went red. She mentioned having surgery, I have never even considered surgery at this point and it was all new to me. Well eventually months later I watched embarrassing bodies and saw a male get the procedure, he was so happy with results. The procedure was done by a dr vadadaro in Harley street, and being a London boy myself i googled him and booked a £100 consultation. I went to see him, he said that I have in his words "predominately fat tissue" and he can perform lypo  for £3.400., however he also said that there is a possibility that I maybe left with excess skin, this put me off completely and never considered surgery again, until finding you guys.  My questions are, what are is the likelihood of being left with excess skin, will lypo be enough for someone who has mainly fat tissue, what surgeons will you recommend, how soon after surgery can i go on a beech holiday, how soon can I return back to work(work for a security company), and can anyone help me post a pic on here so you can all see how bad they really are.

Thanks in advance everyone. This forum can actually change my life after so many years.

All the best

« Last Edit: January 16, 2013, 08:54:55 PM by sp »

Offline Paa_Paw

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Try putting your question in the general section and you'll get more responses than in the UK local forum.

You might try posting a question in the section marked "Ask A Doctor". I think all of the Doctors now responding are in the US but Meidicine and surgery does not change at the border. The answers will still be good.

When you actually start looking for a surgeon, then will be the time to use the local UK forum.

Having a surplus of skin means that the excess skin will need to be removed and the nipples raised to a natural position. It sounds really bad but with a good surgeon it all works out just fine. That kind of procedure does leave more scars but not so bad that you should be too concerned.

I am not familiar with stones as a unit of weight, so that has no meaning for me. I do understand metrics, but old fashioned trditionsl pounds are even better.

Isn't this modern age great? Your question was answered by a 75 year old man in sunny Southern California, USA. Welcome to the forum.
Grandpa Dan

Offline improving

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If I were London based i'd have gone to Mr Karadis. His reputation on this part of the forum is excellent. I suggest you have a look through the threads. I haven't read many posts about Harley St.

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Offline Jake7676

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Hi all

Finding the forum was like seeing a large massive light and the end of my embarrassing tunnel. I've had the problem for years, (26 now) Im about 13.5 stone and just under 5'6 tall. Had the problem with Gyno since I can remember and they just did not get any smaller. I've never been a slim lad which has obviously made the situation worse and have been 14/15/16 stone in my large days. My life has never been easy, i always have to wear a vest under my shirt, my posture is bad, i never ever take my top off in front of anyone, i always wear black, I can't even swim due to being embarrassed to go near a beech or pool,. Anyway Having been to the docs about 6 months ago, the doctor saw my chest and said "there quite large" and with a embarrassed face went red. She mentioned having surgery, I have never even considered surgery at this point and it was all new to me. Well eventually months later I watched embarrassing bodies and saw a male get the procedure, he was so happy with results. The procedure was done by a dr vadadaro in Harley street, and being a London boy myself i googled him and booked a £100 consultation. I went to see him, he said that I have in his words "predominately fat tissue" and he can perform lypo  for £3.400., however he also said that there is a possibility that I maybe left with excess skin, this put me off completely and never considered surgery again, until finding you guys.  My questions are, what are is the likelihood of being left with excess skin, will lypo be enough for someone who has mainly fat tissue, what surgeons will you recommend, how soon after surgery can i go on a beech holiday, how soon can I return back to work(work for a security company), and can anyone help me post a pic on here so you can all see how bad they really are.

Thanks in advance everyone. This forum can actually change my life after so many years.

All the best

You see mate all these doctors at Harley street only do Liposuction, according to my researches not much do Incisions in order to get rid of the glandular tissue which really is the real thing about Gynecomastia. You should go to a number of doctors to confirm that you ONLY have FATTY TISSUE and not GLANDULLAR TISSUE. Therefore having just liposuction could waste your time, money and also you won't JUST have the chest you wanted as there is still GLANDULLAR TISSUE stuck in your chest that no LIPOSUCTION will never ever get rid of.

Offline Imbackagain

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Here's a pic, this was taken last year January, lost a little weight since then now.. But none the less the Gyno, if it really is Gyno is the problem. They do actually feel like fat rather than gland but I am no expert and only took the advise given from the dr who said I have predominant fat tissue and lypo will be sufficient. The only thing that really scares me is the excess skin... If I will be left with the loose skin then I will completely rule out the procedure. I refuse to get skin reduction.

Btw thanks for the great advice. It seems that khadidis is the man for the job. Might have to maybe book a consultation, but unless I can get the certainty that there will be no extra skin then I don't think I can go through with it

Oh It won't let me post pics taken on my iPhone

Offline thetodd

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Can you try and post a pic, you will need to be on a computer just email the pics from your iphone to yourself. Click reply on your thread, then under the white text box, click additional options and upload there.

The surgeon you spoke to had fed you a bit of a lie really, they like to do lipo suction only jobs because they are very quick and easy to do. Most cases are predominantly fat, because fat finds to the breast tissue but unless you have that breast tissue removed then its still going to reoccur.

If you are 26 and its not really bad, then you shouldn't get loose skin but Karidis should let you know in consultation if you chose to go with him.
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Imbackagain

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Ok thanks for that, I will get some pics up soon..... Just hope of not been a "lypo" only victim. I do have the gut feeling that I actually have a lot of fat tissue as the fat from the gyno runs right round to my back and joins the fat there, if that makes sense.Just one more quick question, I'm planning on going away in June/July, when would you say the best time to have the surgery Is,then leave healing time so I will be able to swim, bathe ect in June.

Oh and I just had a read of your story, and the results are brilliant. Inspiring.

Offline adamj

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Hi Serks, welcome to the forum and congratulations in taking a huge step in changing your life.

At 13.5 stone with a huge chest, I very much doubt it is just fat.

Check out my thread, I had surgery with Dr. Karidis (in London) in September last year and it all went very well. It will answer a lot of your questions.

Offline Imbackagain

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Great story, great results... Really happy it worked out for you. im Just so nervous now I've booked the consultation. I'm so nervous that I'm actually scared and considering not getting it done, my job is strenuous and and requires me to be active, won't be able to have such a traumatising procedure done then return to my job within 4 days, and I've booked summer holidays for June and August... Oh god this is all so stressful never had surgery before, phobia of needles and and a low pain threshold....  And I still owe you guys pics!

Offline adamj

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Amazing! Well done in taking the hardest of steps!

Honestly mate you have absolutely NOTHING to worry about. Karadis and his team of hot nurse babes are the best in the business. I can't remember feeling a single thing on the day. The drugs were actually pretty fun in my opinion! The only unpleasant thing that happened to me was the morning after the op when I got up for work I took my bandage off and almost fainted - no idea why, it was just like a rush to the head - but it lasted like a minute max and was minor really.

If you are active at work then I'm afraid to say that I think you will need some time off, how active? Is it lifting and stuff?

The way I thought of it was: 'this condition can play on my mind for the rest of my life - or I can go through with it and be happy',  and am I glad I did.

Don't hesitate to ask anything.

Offline Imbackagain

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Thanks for the encouragement, appreciate it...My job don't involve lifting but it can require me to be active at times.
Unfortunately I'm out of annual leave till April. And ideally I wanted it done before I went in holiday in July. Hmmm maybe I might just do it the hard way and lose the weight.. This has got to be the hardest decision ive ever had to make

Offline adamj

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'Hmmm maybe I might just do it the hard way and lose the weight' - I hate to break it to you but if you suffer from gynecomastia, you can't just 'lose the weight' around your chest. It is gland tissue and not fat tissue. It cannot be removed through any other means but for surgery (as far as I know, and I did a lot of research!).

You have enough time to have the surgery in April and be good to go for July in my opinion. I'd take my shirt off if I was on holiday now and I am only 3-3.5 months post op (my left nip might be a bit of a talking point but I could make an excuse for it).

It is a very hard decision indeed but if it plays on your mind then it needs fixing.

Go through with the consultation, see if Karidis confirms you are a sufferer with gland tissue and reevaluate your situation. If you don't get diagnosed with gyne then you're in luck, you can just hit the gym, eat well and save £4.3 grand! The fact that you are here in the first place makes me think there is more than just fat there though.

Offline Imbackagain

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Only a couple more hours to go and it's time for that consultation I've been excitingly dreading.. I've taken all your hints and tips on board and I've written down a few questions to ask... If  all is well and he can reassure me then I might just book today and get the bloods done too all at once. fingers crossed all goes well.

Offline sjwsjw

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Nice one,  good luck :)

Offline Imbackagain

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Had my ten min consultation earlier today. .

I was sat down, and began firing my burning questions at Dr. Karidis. He assured me that the procedure can be done and that my skin will snap back requiring no skin reduction, he said I have a little gland tissue behind nipples, and lots of fat tissue. Due to me having fat from the moobs area joining the axillae(under armpit) area I require extra lipo, and surprisingly they are charging me an extra 800 quid onto the price, which was a little shocking to be honest but if it needs to be done then it needs to be done. I was assured that I could return back to work within 3/4 days and told that I can go gym,football,sun bathe on holiday after just 6 weeks post op. He also told me that I would not require any stitches as they heal themselves, and he might have to make two more extra tiny lipo holes to get rid of the excess fat under the armpit which apparently is separate to Gyno.. The 5000+ price was a bit scary so I went to think about it, but whilst I was there I paid the £146 for the blood test and got  those done and out the way. I popped back up to the office and provisionally booked a surgery date for the 21/02/13. Hopefully the information re excess skin, back to work, playing sports etc is actually fact, as these are a important factor to me when I decided to have the procedure...  Now I need to know what to tell my work/family..


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