Author Topic: I need advice badly.  (Read 1540 times)

Offline gyne_sucks

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Well, I (obviously) have gyno and have had it since the beginning of my teenage years and I'm currently 17 years old now.  I used to be overweight (215 pounds at 6'0") but I've thinned down to about 180 pounds but my gyno didn't seem to move at all and that's when I looked up information on the internet and have continued to for about the past 8 months until I've decided that I want surgery.  The gyno is probably what you would call "mild" but it doesn't feel that way to me.  It basically has run my life since I did all the "hiding" techniques a couple years ago.  I should wait it out and see if it goes away on it's own but I know that it won't and I don't want to waste anymore of my life worrying about it.

The biggest hurdle in my journey to get rid of it is telling my dad about it and asking for his support.  I know he'll say he cares but we just don't have the money to do it even thought I have around 2-2.5k dollars saved up for college and it wouldn't cost him nearly as much as if he was paying for the full thing but I'll get the simple "we'll look into it" bullsh*t that I've heard many times.  I just need some advice on how to tell my dad how I feel about it and how to ask him if I can get the surgery done before I go to college next year.  Thanks everybody.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Just talk to your Dad.

In all probability he had the same condition when he was your age.  If he is flat chested now, that is what you can expect also.

Your money would be best spent on college.

Most people will tell a young man like yourself that it will go away soon or in a year.  Actually, it may take a few years.  Again, check with your parents and find out what the family history will reveal. Your results will likely echo those of your male aldult relatives.

Exercise usually has little to no effect on Gynecomastia, but it is great for the self image and general wellness.  As a bonus, you may become strong enough to rearrainge the facial anatomy of those stupid enough to tease.

A trip to the Doctor may help to put your mind at ease.

Grandpa Dan

Offline gyne_sucks

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If I used my money saved up for college for the surgery I would easily be able to pay it back because I'm going into a decently high paying starting job at a pretty cheap school so it wouldn't be too much of a problem paying it back.  I'll talk to them about it but if they're stubborn I'm just gonna wait until I turn 18 and arrange it myself.


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