Author Topic: Tumeric For Gyno Results  (Read 19125 times)

Offline NickTLL

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Hello everyone, this is my first time posting on this discussion board and I would just like to say that It is nice knowing that other people suffer from the same things that I go thru each and everyday.

My gynecomastia has been with me since I was 11 or 12. I remember feeling hard knots in my breast and asking my mom if I had cancer. She told me at age 12 that it was a problem diagnosed as manboobs/gynecomastia. 

I always told myself that they would eventually go away and by 16 - they still were there. Varsity baseball, weight lifting, etc... nothing helped. Went thru high school always pinching my nipples and making them hard so that you couldnt tell I had gyno. I just told people that I had bigger pecs because alot of the area was muscle.

By 18, still there. 22 still there... It gets frustrating that all my hard work in the gym looks great except for my chest.

I am 5'9 and weigh 165 lbs. Id say that I am athletic and toned.

2 months ago I started taking Tumeric because some people said they had results from it. At this point, I am obviously willing to try anything. Can't afford the 5K surgery.

I just wanted to post this and say that I did not have any success from taking Tumeric in pill form each day for 2 months. I started with 5grams, bumped up to 10 grams and back down to 5 just because I wasnt noticing any changes.

I just wanted to let others know that it may work for some, but didn't work for me.

Offline moobius

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curcumin is the active in Turmeric and it's not very bioavailable orally. its something i take regularly and notice many benefits from it. as for gyne, i could see the potential for it helping with fatty gyne but it would do nothing for glandular masses.

Offline NickTLL

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Yes, I agree that I enjoy the benefits of taking Tumeric as a vitamin or oral supplement.

However, I was really hoping that a month or two of it would reduce my gyno even slightly.

I have seen other posts about iodine, and some other natural homepathic supplements that worked to reduce the gyno slightly.

I know that the gyno will be with me forever (unless surgery) - my goal now is to just reduce it as much as humanly possible.

Offline Paa_Paw

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If only life were that simple.

I suspect that story got started by a spice merchant who got stuck with several tons of the stuff.

Sorry to be such a cynic........
Grandpa Dan

Offline Chad313

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I tried tumeric for a few months and did not see any kind of results, I also tried supplements like DIM and Chrysin and also never did anything


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