Author Topic: Do I have gyno? :S  (Read 4411 times)

Offline bigt93

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Ok, I'm very worried. Because I've gotten comments about my chest, that it's big and that I have breasts/bitchtits etc.
After these comments I started to read about gynecomastia, and  I haven't been sleeping good for a long time now because I'm always thinking about them. I won't even take of my shirt anymore, I do my best to hide them with baggy clothes.
I hope someone can confirm that I either have it or not.

Here are som (bad) pics, but it's the only one I got right now.

Edit: Sorry for so many posts - I didn't manage to post everyone in one post
Edit: New pictures in last post
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 05:28:02 PM by bigt93 »

Offline bigt93

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1 - sitting (relaxed)
2 - flexin the chest

Offline bigt93

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1 - stretching my arms towards the celling
2 - from the side


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If you have bitch breasts, I have " overgrown cow udders "! What the heck is wrong with them, just look at some pictures bro! Your more flat chested then my male cat! I've seen bigger bumps in a brand new cutting board, or a sheet of glass!

I think you get what I'm saying, but once again, look at other pictures to see what you don't have.

Offline bigt93

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If you have bitch breasts, I have " overgrown cow udders "! What the heck is wrong with them, just look at some pictures bro! Your more flat chested then my male cat! I've seen bigger bumps in a brand new cutting board, or a sheet of glass!

I think you get what I'm saying, but once again, look at other pictures to see what you don't have.
When I look at myself in the mirror I don't see what I see on the pictures. I think the pictures are lying? And after I started reading about gyno I've been feelin my chest. When I tried the "selfexam" for gyno by pinching the nipple some liquid came out from it  ??? And when I pinch the fat over my muscles on my chest when I'm flexin them, I feel some hard "fat" (gland?), and outside this I feel regular fat.. Another point is that I have low bodyfat everywhere except on my chest, where it's so much fat. I'm so confused..


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It is normal to have some glands, everyone does! If you aren't using any meds you might want to go to an Endorinologist to have your hormones checked out for the discharge, and peace of mind!

The pictures are not false as I have lived with this all my life and I now have double D breast, but I don't let them bother me and at 55 I have fathered 5 and have 3 grandchildren.

The fact is as of now you do not have big breast! But if it would make you feel better, get your hormones checked to make sure that something isn't starting.

Offline bigt93

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It is normal to have some glands, everyone does! If you aren't using any meds you might want to go to an Endorinologist to have your hormones checked out for the discharge, and peace of mind!

The pictures are not false as I have lived with this all my life and I now have double D breast, but I don't let them bother me and at 55 I have fathered 5 and have 3 grandchildren.

The fact is as of now you do not have big breast! But if it would make you feel better, get your hormones checked to make sure that something isn't starting.
Yeah, I have read that. But I think I have too much. Sadly I can't agree with you that I'm flat chested, since I have this big cleavage :-\ But I will go to the doctor to check my hormones and the other things I have to check.

Anyone else? I need more opinions.. And do anyone know if there is any test that can show if it's breast tissue or regular fat tissue?
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 02:33:40 PM by bigt93 »

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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You have a great looking chest.  Don't sweat it.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline bigt93

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You have a great looking chest.  Don't sweat it.

Dr Jacobs
Ok, thank you Dr.! I really appreciate your answer.
I got an appointment with my doctor on thursday, just to be sure that my hormones are on the right level.

Offline LWS

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You look great, I'd lean toward body dysmorphia than gynecomastia.

Offline fedTHU

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I'd have to agree with everyone else here, your chest is fine. The only thing that may be of concern is the discharge, something you may want to go get checked out by the endocrinologist.

Offline gyno_ARRGH_awful

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DO NOT WORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I WOULD KILL for your chest!!!!!!!!!

Offline bigt93

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Thanks for the comments! So you guys mean it's just fat? I think im pretty lean everywhere except on the chest and on the back. And I can't understand why they stick out so much, when i really don't have any big chest muscles:s


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They do not stick out! Those must your feet that you see when your looking down because you do not have any breast!

Offline walt

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looks at your pix as well wish mine were as flat , sorry but seems normal to me , I have to live with a full set of 46 B/C cups now, wild hormone swings , if you are that worried then get surgery and if it still brings about angst then I would suggest seeking a professional to speak with about your anxiety. anyhow good luck,


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