A moment of silence....I lost my man boobs thanks to Dr. Lista. They’re real small and they are spectacular! It’s just been 3 and a half weeks since the surgery but already I believe we are at the 80% improvement Dr. Lista projected. All the staff, from reception to my co-ordinator to the nurses were caring, professional, very competent, exuded confidence and genuinely enjoyed their work. The wait was just a few minutes for the surgery appointment, no waiting for my follow up appointment a week later, and 15 minutes for my initial consultation.
I took a week and a half off work to fully recuperate but things went so well, I felt I could actually have returned to work after a few days. There was far less bruising then I had feared and hardly any swelling. There was actually more discomfort after the 1st week wearing that damn vest and pads day in day out. I’m sure after I get back to a regular workout and running routine, I could be looking forward to a 110% improvement! The area around my nipples is a little off, which I assume is to be expected. Yes, I’m sure he removed glandular tissue. Someone posted Dr. Lista only did lipo. I believe my quick recovery had much to do with the prep work, Dr. Lista’s unique surgical technique, which avoids cutting into the nipple, along with the stress free environment of his plastic surgery clinic.
I was given anti-inflammation medicine along with pain pills before surgery and was provided with my prescription, which included anti-nausea pills to take home with me. A PSW drove me home and stayed with me for a few hours. I had a hydrocele procedure at a public hospital where I was given nothing for the exception of a prescription for me to pick up-After my surgery. I was also given a special soap to prep for the surgery-Not the case at the public hospital. I was also given more than sufficient time to recover from my surgery-Not the case at the public hospital. They want to ship you out right away to make room for the next assembly line victim. I had to wait over 4 hours for the hydrocele and during that wait I could over hear many of the hospital staff complaining about work. My hydrocele surgery did not go well thanks to contracting a bug from the hospital, which required me to go on antibiotics and special pain care.
The only complaint I have is the location of Dr. Lista’s clinic-Mississauga home of a 1,000,000 strip malls! 5 stars all the way! If only public health care could emulate the professionalism and care of his clinic.
Like many who have posted here, I too experienced much humiliation by classmates during high school and believe it or not, this also carried forward to my adult life at work and with women-Though to a far lesser extent. Obviously, there is a lot of ignorance about gynecomastia-So much so, the word isn’t even part of my Microsoft spell check! I was never seriously overweight. It didn’t matter how much I worked out or how much I weighed, I looked the same proportionately wise and the only way to improve my appearance was through surgery. I had a family doctor decades ago and gym teacher who suggested working out was the resolution. Get real; it’s not going to help unless you’re grossly overweight.
Nobody realized this was not my fault, it had nothing to do with me just bad luck with nature or genes or whatever. I was going to have the surgery when I was in my early 20s, and then chickened out, decades went by, and I finally had the surgery in middle age. Hopefully, I’ll find somebody who will be attracted to me now. I thought I only had a medium case of gyno but even a medium case was unacceptable to many of the women I dated if you interviewed them. Oddly, I never judged anybody else about their bosom shape the way I was judged. I felt like I had a criminal record, heroine addiction, or some weird personality disorder. I would encourage anyone suffering with this to see a plastic surgeon, who will be able to determine in 30 seconds whether surgery is the only answer. Sadly, no family doctor I had ever recommended plastic surgery.
It’s great to wear any shirt or light sweater and feel and look normal! The surgery also had an unexpected benefit...I had my hair cut recently and my barber thought I had been jogging a lot more and lost weight! I took the vest off to have my hair cut, so he couldn’t notice. My neighbour looked at me funny as well trying to figure out what happened!
I’m hoping Dr. Lista will allow me to start working out when we meet a week from now. For anybody out there suffering, don’t be afraid to have the surgery. For me the only real pain was in the wallet: $6,667 but worth every $. It’s removed a lot of stress out of my life and it’ll all be gone once I can stop wearing the vest, which doesn’t look noticeable depending on what shirt you wear. It is a little uncomfortable to sleep in-So much so I have often woke up at 4 in the morning to go to the washroom and then removed it to get back to sleep.
Again, I highly recommend Dr. Lista along with his team. He does so many of these surgeries; he could probably perform the operation blindfolded after quaffing down a bottle of Amarone!